The glue that holds rats together is made up of really dishonest and self serving socialists. Pelosi and schumer are weasels who are only interested in enriching themselves, eliminating our two party system and wielding power over people and forcing them to live like socialists want them to live. Throw in the modern day goebbels adam schift and you have the terrible trio. There was a time when this was not the case at the top of the rat party. The socialists/communists have gotten too much control over the party and they aren't very intelligent, hence the problems we face now..
The starters have never been so weak and the bench never been so empty.
There was a time when this was not the case at the top of the rat party. The socialists/communists have gotten too much control over the party and they aren't very intelligent, hence the problems we face now..
The starters have never been so weak and the bench never been so empty.