Now it's awful. That "Molly Mesnick" cunt, from their sister station is on it, plus 40 other girls noone over 27 has ever heard of. Half the fucking callers were women today too. Wtf? FYFMFE
It was never good.
Hope this helps.
I liked it because it pissed off all the feminazis and pussy Seattle elitists, plus back then I knew all the girls. It was entertaining. Now it's corporatized and lame.
The reasons you liked it are totally valid, but the bit itself was corporatized and lame back then too.
Maybe, but less so. Mitch was more into his Howard Stern schtick back then so that helped. Now he's married so he's totally passive, and Doog Fain adds nothing but, "Alright!", "Wow!", and "Aw man, are you kidding me?!"