From billionaire is an over rated credential to what's wrong with billionaire's running our life
No principles beyond being a fucking hack
Gates and Bezos don't run my life, madam. Are they running yours?
They helped steal an election, so the answer is yes. I know that honest elections are important for you, but you just vote for the cheaters because your a high character fake attorney.
From billionaire is an over rated credential to what's wrong with billionaire's running our life
No principles beyond being a fucking hack
Gates and Bezos don't run my life, madam. Are they running yours?
They helped steal an election, so the answer is yes. I know that honest elections are important for you, but you just vote for the cheaters because your a high character fake attorney.
From billionaire is an over rated credential to what's wrong with billionaire's running our life
No principles beyond being a fucking hack
Gates and Bezos don't run my life, madam. Are they running yours?
They helped steal an election, so the answer is yes. I know that honest elections are important for you, but you just vote for the cheaters because your a high character fake attorney.
Gasbag and Sled now indistinguishable.
The dazzler and Cho Bai Den are now indistinguishable. I'll take Sled on my side versus the dazzler or the dementia patient.
Not when you were a sucker though
Then it was science
So, what did you mean?
Billionaires ran the pandemic that you worshipped at and got even more billions from it. Some of us pointed that out at the start.
Moderna, Pfizer, Gates, Bezos just to name 4
Over rated credentials to reset the economy and fuck over millions.
And you voted for all of it
Sounds bad.
No principles beyond being a fucking hack
not joking, it was
but still joking