You guys are the party pushing to end Roe v Wade, right?
This is great. The single most effective way to reduce unwanted pregnancies is free contraceptives and comprehensive sex education.
Is your side pushing for those things? You talk a lot about it but you’ve never done shit.
So, you don’t want them to have access to an abortion. You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control. Oh and you don’t want to teach kids anything about it other than abstinence only which makes pregnancy and STD rates sky rocket.
Piss off, fraud.
Yeah, women get pregnant out of wedlock because they don't know where babies come from.
You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control.
Hasn't that strawman trannie's asshole taken enough abuse for one day Kobe?
Btw, I hope everyone noticed that our strawman ass fucking friend failed to even address the issue. Kobe thinks it's the 1920s and women just don't have any access to birth contol.
Btw, I hope everyone noticed that our strawman ass fucking friend failed to even address the issue. Kobe thinks it's the 1920s and women just don't have any access to birth contol.
“Why does the left never talk about this???”
“Here’s a bunch of things that would reduce the number of single parents”
You guys are the party pushing to end Roe v Wade, right?
This is great. The single most effective way to reduce unwanted pregnancies is free contraceptives and comprehensive sex education.
Is your side pushing for those things? You talk a lot about it but you’ve never done shit.
So, you don’t want them to have access to an abortion. You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control. Oh and you don’t want to teach kids anything about it other than abstinence only which makes pregnancy and STD rates sky rocket.
Piss off, fraud.
Yeah, women get pregnant out of wedlock because they don't know where babies come from.
You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control.
Hasn't that strawman trannie's asshole taken enough abuse for one day Kobe?
Researchers from the University of Washington found that adolescents who receive comprehensive sex education are significantly less likely to become pregnant than adolescents who receive abstinence-only-until-marriage or no formal sex education.
It’s always funny when the “do your own research” crowd doesn’t do the research.
Kobe acts like republicans have control of sex Ed in schools and Planned Abortion. And community or rural clinics. Yup, if only Conservatives would get onboard with the pornofication of grade school curriculum.
You guys are the party pushing to end Roe v Wade, right?
This is great. The single most effective way to reduce unwanted pregnancies is free contraceptives and comprehensive sex education.
Is your side pushing for those things? You talk a lot about it but you’ve never done shit.
So, you don’t want them to have access to an abortion. You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control. Oh and you don’t want to teach kids anything about it other than abstinence only which makes pregnancy and STD rates sky rocket.
Piss off, fraud.
Might not need access to abortion if they were in stable relationships. There are some obvious cultural problems in this country. I've never heard anyone say that people shouldn't have access to birth control pills or condoms, etc. Killing babies is a completely different thing, and is immoral and disgusting.
You guys are the party pushing to end Roe v Wade, right?
This is great. The single most effective way to reduce unwanted pregnancies is free contraceptives and comprehensive sex education.
Is your side pushing for those things? You talk a lot about it but you’ve never done shit.
So, you don’t want them to have access to an abortion. You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control. Oh and you don’t want to teach kids anything about it other than abstinence only which makes pregnancy and STD rates sky rocket.
Piss off, fraud.
No I want forced abortions for all poor people and single mothers.
If you vote Republican you’re pro life. Period. End of discussion. Exclamation point.
No I'm not I am a retroactive abortion supporter! I am the some arbiter of who receives a retroactive abortion. My idea my rules.
Btw, I hope everyone noticed that our strawman ass fucking friend failed to even address the issue. Kobe thinks it's the 1920s and women just don't have any access to birth contol.
“Why does the left never talk about this???”
“Here’s a bunch of things that would reduce the number of single parents”
Pathetic, even by your low standards.
Kobe if providing "free" birth control and abortions would reduce the number of single parents why were there such fewer number of single parents when there was no birth control and abortion was illegal?
Your belief that having kids out of wedlock is caused by the lack of "free" birth control is a fucking joke and that only an idiot would think was insightful.
Don't hurt yourself dodging the question Kunt. Your "strawman" was your claim that somehow I don't want people to have birth control or to have insurance that pays for it. Straight up strawman ass fuck, your specialty.
You guys are the party pushing to end Roe v Wade, right?
This is great. The single most effective way to reduce unwanted pregnancies is free contraceptives and comprehensive sex education.
Is your side pushing for those things? You talk a lot about it but you’ve never done shit.
So, you don’t want them to have access to an abortion. You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control. Oh and you don’t want to teach kids anything about it other than abstinence only which makes pregnancy and STD rates sky rocket.
Piss off, fraud.
Yeah, women get pregnant out of wedlock because they don't know where babies come from.
You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control.
Hasn't that strawman trannie's asshole taken enough abuse for one day Kobe?
Researchers from the University of Washington found that adolescents who receive comprehensive sex education are significantly less likely to become pregnant than adolescents who receive abstinence-only-until-marriage or no formal sex education.
It’s always funny when the “do your own research” crowd doesn’t do the research.
Where is it that kids get no formal sex education my strawman ass fucking friend? And why was the out of wedlock birth rate so much lower when kids got no sex education, and there was no birth control Kobe? The explosion in out of wedlock births came after the pill was widely available and sex education was taught in nearly every public school and abortion was made legal.
People aren't having kids out of wedlock because they don't know where babies come from you dumb son of bitch.
You guys are the party pushing to end Roe v Wade, right?
This is great. The single most effective way to reduce unwanted pregnancies is free contraceptives and comprehensive sex education.
Is your side pushing for those things? You talk a lot about it but you’ve never done shit.
So, you don’t want them to have access to an abortion. You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control. Oh and you don’t want to teach kids anything about it other than abstinence only which makes pregnancy and STD rates sky rocket.
Piss off, fraud.
Not in your case. In fact, we'd nominate you as an accidental after release candidate.
It's cute that Kobe believes that ending Roe v. Wade makes abortion illegal. It's head up the ass ignorance. Kobe's brand. Kind of like believing that the lack of "free" birth control causes out of wedlock births.
You guys are the party pushing to end Roe v Wade, right?
This is great. The single most effective way to reduce unwanted pregnancies is free contraceptives and comprehensive sex education.
Is your side pushing for those things? You talk a lot about it but you’ve never done shit.
So, you don’t want them to have access to an abortion. You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control. Oh and you don’t want to teach kids anything about it other than abstinence only which makes pregnancy and STD rates sky rocket.
Piss off, fraud.
Yeah, women get pregnant out of wedlock because they don't know where babies come from.
You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control.
Hasn't that strawman trannie's asshole taken enough abuse for one day Kobe?
Researchers from the University of Washington found that adolescents who receive comprehensive sex education are significantly less likely to become pregnant than adolescents who receive abstinence-only-until-marriage or no formal sex education.
It’s always funny when the “do your own research” crowd doesn’t do the research.
Where is it that kids get no formal sex education my strawman ass fucking friend? And why was the out of wedlock birth rate so much lower when kids got no sex education, and there was no birth control Kobe? The explosion in out of wedlock births came after the pill was widely available and sex education was taught in nearly every public school and abortion was made legal.
People aren't having kids out of wedlock because they don't know where babies come from you dumb son of bitch.
Yes, Bob. And countries where guns are illegal don’t have school shootings. Freedoms have consequences.
One of the largest shifts in American culture has been women having more freedom. You can yearn for the 1950s if you’d like but if women wanted to get married at 18 and pop out 5 kids, they’d be doing that. They’re not.
You can either work within the confines of more freedom or you can work for less freedom.
Unwanted pregnancies go down with comprehensive sex education. Unwanted pregnancies go down with easier access to contraceptives. You don’t want either of these things, you want less freedom. Whether you do it via laws or cultural pressure is irrelevant.
You guys are the party pushing to end Roe v Wade, right?
This is great. The single most effective way to reduce unwanted pregnancies is free contraceptives and comprehensive sex education.
Is your side pushing for those things? You talk a lot about it but you’ve never done shit.
So, you don’t want them to have access to an abortion. You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control. Oh and you don’t want to teach kids anything about it other than abstinence only which makes pregnancy and STD rates sky rocket.
Piss off, fraud.
Yeah, women get pregnant out of wedlock because they don't know where babies come from.
You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control.
Hasn't that strawman trannie's asshole taken enough abuse for one day Kobe?
Researchers from the University of Washington found that adolescents who receive comprehensive sex education are significantly less likely to become pregnant than adolescents who receive abstinence-only-until-marriage or no formal sex education.
It’s always funny when the “do your own research” crowd doesn’t do the research.
Where is it that kids get no formal sex education my strawman ass fucking friend? And why was the out of wedlock birth rate so much lower when kids got no sex education, and there was no birth control Kobe? The explosion in out of wedlock births came after the pill was widely available and sex education was taught in nearly every public school and abortion was made legal.
People aren't having kids out of wedlock because they don't know where babies come from you dumb son of bitch.
Yes, Bob. And countries where guns are illegal don’t have school shootings. Freedoms have consequences.
One of the largest shifts in American culture has been women having more freedom. You can yearn for the 1950s if you’d like but if women wanted to get married at 18 and pop out 5 kids, they’d be doing that. They’re not.
You can either work within the confines of more freedom or you can work for less freedom.
Unwanted pregnancies go down with comprehensive sex education. Unwanted pregnancies go down with easier access to contraceptives. You don’t want either of these things, you want less freedom. Whether you do it via laws or cultural pressure is irrelevant.
Shocking the Kunt dodged every question he was asked. Unwanted pregnancies and out of wedlock births aren't synonymous Kobe but you keep fucking that strawman ass. There's nobody in American today that wants birth control and can't obtain it. It's never been easier to access birth control, and yet out of wedlock births still continue to rise. The explosion in out of wedlock births has happened exactly when birth control was never easier to obtain. What "freedoms" do women have today that they didn't in 1975 Kobe?
This is just throwing shit against the wall hoping something sticks.
You can yearn for the 1950s if you’d like but if women wanted to get married at 18 and pop out 5 kids,
Yes, Bob. And countries where guns are illegal don’t have school shootings. Freedoms have consequences.
You guys are the party pushing to end Roe v Wade, right?
This is great. The single most effective way to reduce unwanted pregnancies is free contraceptives and comprehensive sex education.
Is your side pushing for those things? You talk a lot about it but you’ve never done shit.
So, you don’t want them to have access to an abortion. You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control. Oh and you don’t want to teach kids anything about it other than abstinence only which makes pregnancy and STD rates sky rocket.
Piss off, fraud.
Don’t be obtuse. I grew up in red country rural Washington. I learned about where babies come from in a public school health class. Horrifyingly watched a baby come out of a woman’s vagina in a public school health class. Learned how to properly put a condom on watching day time talk show TV in the early 90’s. You can learn how to avoid making kids in a number of ways. A guy I work with had a kid at18. His daughter recently had a kid at 18. My mom was 30 when she had my sister and 37 when she had me. I was 32 when I had my first kid and 35 for my second. You generally mimic what you know. Unless you’re taught there is a better way. Let’s start teaching that these single family households are dogshit. I was a whore and was able to keep from having kids until I wanted to. Others can do it too.
You guys are the party pushing to end Roe v Wade, right?
This is great. The single most effective way to reduce unwanted pregnancies is free contraceptives and comprehensive sex education.
Is your side pushing for those things? You talk a lot about it but you’ve never done shit.
So, you don’t want them to have access to an abortion. You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control. Oh and you don’t want to teach kids anything about it other than abstinence only which makes pregnancy and STD rates sky rocket.
Piss off, fraud.
Don’t be obtuse. I grew up in red country rural Washington. I learned about where babies come from in a public school health class. Horrifyingly watched a baby come out of a woman’s vagina in a public school health class. Learned how to properly put a condom on watching day time talk show TV in the early 90’s. You can learn how to avoid making kids in a number of ways. A guy I work with had a kid at18. His daughter recently had a kid at 18. My mom was 30 when she had my sister and 37 when she had me. I was 32 when I had my first kid and 35 for my second. You generally mimic what you know. Unless you’re taught there is a better way. Let’s start teaching that these single family households are dogshit. I was a whore and was able to keep from having kids until I wanted to. Others can do it too.
I don’t think relying on kids stumbling across day time talk shows for how to put on a condom is a great plan.
I would be more than willing to make the benefits of two parent households part of sex education. But there’s no conversation to be had until your side backs off Roe v Wade and agrees to all the other parts of comprehensive sex education and that will never happen.
You guys are the party pushing to end Roe v Wade, right?
This is great. The single most effective way to reduce unwanted pregnancies is free contraceptives and comprehensive sex education.
Is your side pushing for those things? You talk a lot about it but you’ve never done shit.
So, you don’t want them to have access to an abortion. You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control. Oh and you don’t want to teach kids anything about it other than abstinence only which makes pregnancy and STD rates sky rocket.
Piss off, fraud.
Yeah, women get pregnant out of wedlock because they don't know where babies come from.
You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control.
Hasn't that strawman trannie's asshole taken enough abuse for one day Kobe?
Researchers from the University of Washington found that adolescents who receive comprehensive sex education are significantly less likely to become pregnant than adolescents who receive abstinence-only-until-marriage or no formal sex education.
It’s always funny when the “do your own research” crowd doesn’t do the research.
Where is it that kids get no formal sex education my strawman ass fucking friend? And why was the out of wedlock birth rate so much lower when kids got no sex education, and there was no birth control Kobe? The explosion in out of wedlock births came after the pill was widely available and sex education was taught in nearly every public school and abortion was made legal.
People aren't having kids out of wedlock because they don't know where babies come from you dumb son of bitch.
Yes, Bob. And countries where guns are illegal don’t have school shootings. Freedoms have consequences.
One of the largest shifts in American culture has been women having more freedom. You can yearn for the 1950s if you’d like but if women wanted to get married at 18 and pop out 5 kids, they’d be doing that. They’re not.
You can either work within the confines of more freedom or you can work for less freedom.
Unwanted pregnancies go down with comprehensive sex education. Unwanted pregnancies go down with easier access to contraceptives. You don’t want either of these things, you want less freedom. Whether you do it via laws or cultural pressure is irrelevant.
Shocking the Kunt dodged every question he was asked. Unwanted pregnancies and out of wedlock births aren't synonymous Kobe but you keep fucking that strawman ass. There's nobody in American today that wants birth control and can't obtain it. It's never been easier to access birth control, and yet out of wedlock births still continue to rise. The explosion in out of wedlock births has happened exactly when birth control was never easier to obtain. What "freedoms" do women have today that they didn't in 1975 Kobe?
This is just throwing shit against the wall hoping something sticks.
You can yearn for the 1950s if you’d like but if women wanted to get married at 18 and pop out 5 kids,
Yes, Bob. And countries where guns are illegal don’t have school shootings. Freedoms have consequences.
It is a statistical fact that comprehensive sex education and easier access to contraceptives lower pregnancies and stds. You can play your little game of “aNyOnE tHaT wAnTs It CaN gEt It” but I’ve actually done the research.
Do you want to lower the number of single parent households or not? This whole thread started because you wanted to talk shit about the left not “talking” about it. I have you solutions, you bulldozed past it, that’s why the left doesn’t talk to you about it.
You guys are the party pushing to end Roe v Wade, right?
This is great. The single most effective way to reduce unwanted pregnancies is free contraceptives and comprehensive sex education.
Is your side pushing for those things? You talk a lot about it but you’ve never done shit.
So, you don’t want them to have access to an abortion. You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control. Oh and you don’t want to teach kids anything about it other than abstinence only which makes pregnancy and STD rates sky rocket.
Piss off, fraud.
Yeah, women get pregnant out of wedlock because they don't know where babies come from.
You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control.
Hasn't that strawman trannie's asshole taken enough abuse for one day Kobe?
Researchers from the University of Washington found that adolescents who receive comprehensive sex education are significantly less likely to become pregnant than adolescents who receive abstinence-only-until-marriage or no formal sex education.
It’s always funny when the “do your own research” crowd doesn’t do the research.
Where is it that kids get no formal sex education my strawman ass fucking friend? And why was the out of wedlock birth rate so much lower when kids got no sex education, and there was no birth control Kobe? The explosion in out of wedlock births came after the pill was widely available and sex education was taught in nearly every public school and abortion was made legal.
People aren't having kids out of wedlock because they don't know where babies come from you dumb son of bitch.
Yes, Bob. And countries where guns are illegal don’t have school shootings. Freedoms have consequences.
One of the largest shifts in American culture has been women having more freedom. You can yearn for the 1950s if you’d like but if women wanted to get married at 18 and pop out 5 kids, they’d be doing that. They’re not.
You can either work within the confines of more freedom or you can work for less freedom.
Unwanted pregnancies go down with comprehensive sex education. Unwanted pregnancies go down with easier access to contraceptives. You don’t want either of these things, you want less freedom. Whether you do it via laws or cultural pressure is irrelevant.
Shocking the Kunt dodged every question he was asked. Unwanted pregnancies and out of wedlock births aren't synonymous Kobe but you keep fucking that strawman ass. There's nobody in American today that wants birth control and can't obtain it. It's never been easier to access birth control, and yet out of wedlock births still continue to rise. The explosion in out of wedlock births has happened exactly when birth control was never easier to obtain. What "freedoms" do women have today that they didn't in 1975 Kobe?
This is just throwing shit against the wall hoping something sticks.
You can yearn for the 1950s if you’d like but if women wanted to get married at 18 and pop out 5 kids,
Yes, Bob. And countries where guns are illegal don’t have school shootings. Freedoms have consequences.
It is a statistical fact that comprehensive sex education and easier access to contraceptives lower pregnancies and stds. You can play your little game of “aNyOnE tHaT wAnTs It CaN gEt It” but I’ve actually done the research.
Do you want to lower the number of single parent households or not? This whole thread started because you wanted to talk shit about the left not “talking” about it. I have you solutions, you bulldozed past it, that’s why the left doesn’t talk to you about it.
The thread started because you're a fraud who cries crocodile tears about your compassion and concern for poor people but when you're confronted with the greatest anti-poverty solution there is you reject it because it doesn't involve a government program and billions of dollars in government spending.
Where is this place in America today where people don't have access to birth control Kobe, identify it for me, point it out on the map. There has never been a time in our history when birth control wasn't more readily available then it is now and yet for some reason you can't explain why out wedlock births have increased other than to spout some lies and bullshit about women not having freedom and how I don't support letting people have health insurance that pays for birth control.
Answer the fucking questions for once in your pathetic life Kobe. Tell me where it is that people can't get birth control? Tell me how according to you greater access to birth control cuts the number of out of wedlock births but out of wedlock birth still continue to rise. Do people have more or less access to birth control today than they did in 1970 Kobe?
You guys are the party pushing to end Roe v Wade, right?
This is great. The single most effective way to reduce unwanted pregnancies is free contraceptives and comprehensive sex education.
Is your side pushing for those things? You talk a lot about it but you’ve never done shit.
So, you don’t want them to have access to an abortion. You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control. Oh and you don’t want to teach kids anything about it other than abstinence only which makes pregnancy and STD rates sky rocket.
Piss off, fraud.
Yeah, women get pregnant out of wedlock because they don't know where babies come from.
You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control.
Hasn't that strawman trannie's asshole taken enough abuse for one day Kobe?
Researchers from the University of Washington found that adolescents who receive comprehensive sex education are significantly less likely to become pregnant than adolescents who receive abstinence-only-until-marriage or no formal sex education.
It’s always funny when the “do your own research” crowd doesn’t do the research.
Where is it that kids get no formal sex education my strawman ass fucking friend? And why was the out of wedlock birth rate so much lower when kids got no sex education, and there was no birth control Kobe? The explosion in out of wedlock births came after the pill was widely available and sex education was taught in nearly every public school and abortion was made legal.
People aren't having kids out of wedlock because they don't know where babies come from you dumb son of bitch.
Yes, Bob. And countries where guns are illegal don’t have school shootings. Freedoms have consequences.
One of the largest shifts in American culture has been women having more freedom. You can yearn for the 1950s if you’d like but if women wanted to get married at 18 and pop out 5 kids, they’d be doing that. They’re not.
You can either work within the confines of more freedom or you can work for less freedom.
Unwanted pregnancies go down with comprehensive sex education. Unwanted pregnancies go down with easier access to contraceptives. You don’t want either of these things, you want less freedom. Whether you do it via laws or cultural pressure is irrelevant.
Kobe, is "comprehensive sex education" like comprehensive border control? Just a Leftist meaningless talking point regarding a problem that they believe has only one solution. Open borders and ?.
You don’t want to provide contraceptives. You don’t even want businesses health insurance to Have to cover birth control.
Hasn't that strawman trannie's asshole taken enough abuse for one day Kobe?
I'll take the point
“Here’s a bunch of things that would reduce the number of single parents”
Pathetic, even by your low standards.
It’s always funny when the “do your own research” crowd doesn’t do the research.
Problem solved, right Kobe?
You're down the list a ways.
Your belief that having kids out of wedlock is caused by the lack of "free" birth control is a fucking joke and that only an idiot would think was insightful.
Don't hurt yourself dodging the question Kunt. Your "strawman" was your claim that somehow I don't want people to have birth control or to have insurance that pays for it. Straight up strawman ass fuck, your specialty.
People aren't having kids out of wedlock because they don't know where babies come from you dumb son of bitch.
One of the largest shifts in American culture has been women having more freedom. You can yearn for the 1950s if you’d like but if women wanted to get married at 18 and pop out 5 kids, they’d be doing that. They’re not.
You can either work within the confines of more freedom or you can work for less freedom.
Unwanted pregnancies go down with comprehensive sex education. Unwanted pregnancies go down with easier access to contraceptives. You don’t want either of these things, you want less freedom. Whether you do it via laws or cultural pressure is irrelevant.
This is just throwing shit against the wall hoping something sticks.
You can yearn for the 1950s if you’d like but if women wanted to get married at 18 and pop out 5 kids,
Yes, Bob. And countries where guns are illegal don’t have school shootings. Freedoms have consequences.
I would be more than willing to make the benefits of two parent households part of sex education. But there’s no conversation to be had until your side backs off Roe v Wade and agrees to all the other parts of comprehensive sex education and that will never happen.
Do you want to lower the number of single parent households or not? This whole thread started because you wanted to talk shit about the left not “talking” about it. I have you solutions, you bulldozed past it, that’s why the left doesn’t talk to you about it.
Where is this place in America today where people don't have access to birth control Kobe, identify it for me, point it out on the map. There has never been a time in our history when birth control wasn't more readily available then it is now and yet for some reason you can't explain why out wedlock births have increased other than to spout some lies and bullshit about women not having freedom and how I don't support letting people have health insurance that pays for birth control.
Answer the fucking questions for once in your pathetic life Kobe. Tell me where it is that people can't get birth control? Tell me how according to you greater access to birth control cuts the number of out of wedlock births but out of wedlock birth still continue to rise. Do people have more or less access to birth control today than they did in 1970 Kobe?