Airplanes have been damned near the safest place to be for the last two years.
The air circulation systems are far superior to anything in residential or commercial buildings. The CEOs of the airlines have been trumpeting this for months.
Airplanes have been damned near the safest place to be for the last two years.
The air circulation systems are far superior to anything in residential or commercial buildings. The CEOs of the airlines have been trumpeting this for months.
Masks are fucking idiotic.
JFC…..what else are they gonna say? Maybe it is….
CEO of business telling everyone how safe and wonderful their business is
Airplanes have been damned near the safest place to be for the last two years.
The air circulation systems are far superior to anything in residential or commercial buildings. The CEOs of the airlines have been trumpeting this for months.
Masks are fucking idiotic.
JFC…..what else are they gonna say? Maybe it is….
CEO of business telling everyone how safe and wonderful their business is
News at 11
Keep wearing that face diaper on Sherman Ave all summer. They’ll never guess you’re not from here.
Airplanes have been damned near the safest place to be for the last two years.
The air circulation systems are far superior to anything in residential or commercial buildings. The CEOs of the airlines have been trumpeting this for months.
Masks are fucking idiotic.
JFC…..what else are they gonna say? Maybe it is….
CEO of business telling everyone how safe and wonderful their business is
News at 11
Keep wearing that face diaper on Sherman Ave all summer. They’ll never guess you’re not from here.
Truth!!! Haven't worn one except when I pick up at Kootenai hospital...
Airplanes have been damned near the safest place to be for the last two years.
The air circulation systems are far superior to anything in residential or commercial buildings. The CEOs of the airlines have been trumpeting this for months.
Masks are fucking idiotic.
The schools need new ventilation systems in order to open. We’ll fund that. Wait, the schools didn’t actually spend that money and still opened? That’s cool, we’ll just roll that unspent money into our next bill that promotes green energy and call that one paid for.
Things are going to get very interesting in the states where masks have become a way of life for some and what their reaction will be to people not living in fear like them. I saw a young woman a couple of days ago on her way to school, small college town. All alone in the AM, no other people on the sidewalks. Mask on. What is going through the mind of a person that does that?
Things are going to get very interesting in the states where masks have become a way of life for some and what their reaction will be to people not living in fear like them. I saw a young woman a couple of days ago on her way to school, small college town. All alone in the AM, no other people on the sidewalks. Mask on. What is going through the mind of a person that does that?
Cult like behavior.
It will take some time for their cult leaders orders to sink in.
When you have dipshits like Cho Bai Den walking across an open field wearing a mask, they're just following the example.
Thought it was a parody
The air circulation systems are far superior to anything in residential or commercial buildings. The CEOs of the airlines have been trumpeting this for months.
Masks are fucking idiotic.
CEO of business telling everyone how safe and wonderful their business is
News at 11
It will take some time for their cult leaders orders to sink in.
When you have dipshits like Cho Bai Den walking across an open field wearing a mask, they're just following the example.