I’ve always believed that DIMS are emotionally stunted people. Something just didn’t kick in after middle school. Even as adults I find them mostly childlike in their thinking.
In the past I’ve considered them harmless, kind of a joke, just verbally pat them on the head and smile. But no more.
The new generation, the Zucky Boys are all grown up. And they now have the power to propagandize the once harmless Lib. Which makes them dangerous to our liberties now.
You just had a professor on TV say it’s time to junk the Constitution. With no pushback. We’re in a very bad place right now and I have zero faith in the current GOP.
It needs a total overhaul and it will be the younger Conservatives and those still willing to fight that make it a reality. Dr. Oz gave up millions of dollars and a cushy life to run for the US Senate. We need people like him.
He became a Conservative when his father, a legal immigrant told him he was a Republican. When he asked why, his father told him. “Because they have better ideas.”
I’ve always believed that DIMS are emotionally stunted people. Something just didn’t kick in after middle school. Even as adults I find them mostly childlike in their thinking.
In the past I’ve considered them harmless, kind of a joke, just verbally pat them on the head and smile. But no more.
The new generation, the Zucky Boys are all grown up. And they now have the power to propagandize the once harmless Lib. Which makes them dangerous to our liberties now.
You just had a professor on TV say it’s time to junk the Constitution. With no pushback. We’re in a very bad place right now and I have zero faith in the current GOP.
It needs a total overhaul and it will be the younger Conservatives and those still willing to fight that make it a reality. Dr. Oz gave up millions of dollars and a cushy life to run for the US Senate. We need people like him.
He became a Conservative when his father, a legal immigrant told him he was a Republican. When he asked why, his father told him. “Because they have better ideas.”
In other words, the ones who were the social outcasts are now the ones with incredible power.
Oh and I'm not quite sold on this Dr. Oz guy. For the same reason some have concerns about Tulsi Gabbard, I question Oz. Anyone who was as chummy with the communist Oprah as he was should be scrutinized just a bit more.
Oh and I'm not quite sold on this Dr. Oz guy. For the same reason some have concerns about Tulsi Gabbard, I question Oz. Anyone who was as chummy with the communist Oprah as he was should be scrutinized just a bit more.
You need to spend some time listening to the guy. You can be friends with people and not share their political beliefs. A Conservative understands this, Liberals, not so much. It's a feature with him, not a bug.
Oh and I'm not quite sold on this Dr. Oz guy. For the same reason some have concerns about Tulsi Gabbard, I question Oz. Anyone who was as chummy with the communist Oprah as he was should be scrutinized just a bit more.
ALL politicians should be viewed with suspicion. It's the inherent foundation of limited government.
Oh and I'm not quite sold on this Dr. Oz guy. For the same reason some have concerns about Tulsi Gabbard, I question Oz. Anyone who was as chummy with the communist Oprah as he was should be scrutinized just a bit more.
You need to spend some time listening to the guy. You can be friends with people and not share their political beliefs. A Conservative understands this, Liberals, not so much. It's a feature with him, not a bug.
I have listened just a bit and I'll admit he impressed me. However, I could never be friends with Oprah and I could never forgive her for bringing Chicago's communists to power in this country. Remember, both Soetoro and Rodham were classroom students of Saul Alinsky. His original, hardback copy of Rules for Radicals was dedicated to Satan and that's a fact.
Climate change should be first but surprisingly based.
I’m quite impressed that gun violence is up there. The obvious fear mongering you guys do on crime is shameful but we have seen a real surge in gun violence and it’s worthy of being a top concern.
The second and third ones are the same issue though.
The fact homelessness, drug addiction and crime don't even make the list says volumes of these extremist fucks.
Ooooh I have to stand in line to vote but praise Allah I didn't step in shit on the sidewalk or get stabbed by a needle walking to the polling place.
The rise in crime is almost single-handedly caused by the rise in gun violence. It is on there.
As a child you slipped from your mothers arms falling head first onto a concrete floor crushing your undeveloped skull, didn’t you? It’s not your fault Corky.
Climate change should be first but surprisingly based.
I’m quite impressed that gun violence is up there. The obvious fear mongering you guys do on crime is shameful but we have seen a real surge in gun violence and it’s worthy of being a top concern.
The second and third ones are the same issue though.
How are you going to solve the gun violence in the inner city Kobe, without limiting the 2A rights of responsible gun owners.
Here’s a hint. Rather than eliminating gun violence police units like they did in Portland, murder rate skyrocketed, you fund them.
But that would be asking too much of you dumbass DIMS. Your side would FU a wet dream. Loser.
In the past I’ve considered them harmless, kind of a joke, just verbally pat them on the head and smile. But no more.
The new generation, the Zucky Boys are all grown up. And they now have the power to propagandize the once harmless Lib. Which makes them dangerous to our liberties now.
You just had a professor on TV say it’s time to junk the Constitution. With no pushback. We’re in a very bad place right now and I have zero faith in the current GOP.
It needs a total overhaul and it will be the younger Conservatives and those still willing to fight that make it a reality. Dr. Oz gave up millions of dollars and a cushy life to run for the US Senate. We need people like him.
He became a Conservative when his father, a legal immigrant told him he was a Republican. When he asked why, his father told him. “Because they have better ideas.”
I’m quite impressed that gun violence is up there. The obvious fear mongering you guys do on crime is shameful but we have seen a real surge in gun violence and it’s worthy of being a top concern.
The second and third ones are the same issue though.
Ooooh I have to stand in line to vote but praise Allah I didn't step in shit on the sidewalk or get stabbed by a needle walking to the polling place.
There's more to 'crime' than gun violence.
You're fucking wrong once again.
The 2A isn't going away as much as the leftists may try to couch it as 'gun violence'.
Here’s a hint. Rather than eliminating gun violence police units like they did in Portland, murder rate skyrocketed, you fund them.
But that would be asking too much of you dumbass DIMS. Your side would FU a wet dream. Loser.