It should come as no surprise I have many more friends and business/social contacts than most of you dullards. I have about 200 houses on my Orkin route alone. I know people.
I also belong to many clubs and organizations. These clubs cater to "social classes" from regular Joe shmoe types, up to famous TV personalities and multi-millionaires (I mean filthy rich levels of wealth). In short, between clubs, organizations, business contact, neighbors and a large social circle in general, I speak with hundreds of people monthly, from all ethnicities, political affiliations, age groups, etc.
In all of these interactions from extreme 1% wealthy to working poor, from white to black to red to yellow, from 18 to 80 and everyone in between...thousands and thousands of different interaction with all manner and age and social status and wealth status of people, I have never heard one mention, even in passing, of anything related to January 6th.
I keep hearing Democrats talk about how significant this was. I keep hearing it told how to this day the events of January 6th was an attempt to subvert our democracy and how it is still a threat. And yet, in all the hundreds of people I have contact with on a routine basis from business, social clubs, organizations and groups, nobody has ever mentioned it once.
Imagine if in the year after the moon landing, or 9-11, or Pearl Harbor, or the Whiskey Rebellion, or the JFK shooting, nobody that you know, anywhere, mentioned it. Not at church. Not at school. Not in meetings. Not at a tennis match, or on a chartered boat, or at a cookout with the whole neighborhood, or at the library, or in a business luncheon. Not at a reunion, or a club meeting, or at a party or a concert. The ONLY place you hear about it is CNN/MSNBC/etc. It's weird having one of the most significant events in America history be one that absolutely nobody anywhere talks about ever.
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It was bad, shouldn’t of happened, it was a mostly peaceful protect that a minority turned it into a riot (did I get the phraseology right, leftists?), but the hyperbole and hysterics by the media and leftist elite just affirms why I shouldn’t listed to these gaslighting retards. Saying it was like 9/11 or Pearl Harbor? Fuck off.
My one buddy can't even talk about politics without bringing up Trump. Ask him about Ukraine or the economy, the price of gas and within two sentences he will be bringing up Trump.
Even when it happened it was like a mildly interesting "hey they are protesting at the capitol" and then everyone went on with the day. Far less interesting than the BLM riots.
She didn’t put shit into it to collect it.
Morally bankrupt much?
I wonder what party Husky JW votes for.
It’s one thing to receive the money. It’s another to brag about it like you deserve it and are entitled to it.
Who pays for your windfall, Dada? The taxpayers.
Idaho supports law enforcement - the rule of law.
Since you don’t like law enforcement, you’d be a better fit for metropolitan Portland or Seattle.
Obviously, you’ve never done shift work or worked weekends, like fucking teachers.
Now, run and hide . . . AGAIN.