I will become a warlord and only allow hot chicks and tough men. Democrat voting men will be used as bait/fodder for the hordes.
Fat liberal chicks.....ummm. Can't really think of any good use for them. Maybe forced rations until they are thin again. Then see how it plays.
Then again I'm pretty sure cats will become pretty useful. With all the death and uncleanliness there will be rats and shit. So until they finish their program they can pitch in there.
I will become a warlord and only allow hot chicks and tough men. Democrat voting men will be used as bait/fodder for the hordes.
Fat liberal chicks.....ummm. Can't really think of any good use for them. Maybe forced rations until they are thin again. Then see how it plays.
Then again I'm pretty sure cats will become pretty useful. With all the death and uncleanliness there will be rats and shit. So until they finish their program they can pitch in there.
I'm good for a number of months, but in assessing it I'm short on dog food and need to build that up a bit. A big dog will be pretty valuable in that situation for those of us who live out in the country.
You get in the car and go where? Let’s say hundreds of thousands are fleeing as well? Driving away might be a worse situation. Most people can’t afford spare food. Supposedly half of America has no savings and can’t afford a $400 emergency repair.
Hits the U.S. and you lose power. How long could you last? What kind of prepper are you and how much ammo do you have? What’s your plan to survive 4-8 weeks with no power within 200 miles of where you live?
Get in the car and drive duh
Sure … get your point
My point is that if you’re talking about 200 miles that’s doable from a drive standpoint on a tank of gas and once you get outside that radius things will gradually revert to normal
Shit like that hits the fan and I’m heading to a place like Texas where the downside weather related events are less likely
Realistically though Jimmy you’re point is a good one and one that we should be thinking through with respect to canned foods, water, etc that can be had offline
You’re right that most people don’t have a clue on how to “rough it”
There is something to be said for living a bit off the grid as those of us around major cities will be the first to feel any related pain
Heard the same from a Fox News chick this AM. Actually trying to make people feel shame when complaining that their pocketbook is being affected because our leaders are feckless and weak.
You just figure shit out. As long as you have a water source, a propane grill with enough propane, you should be able to hold out for a few weeks. Longer than 8 weeks, that’s a whole different story
I think you underestimate how bat shit the general public will get without water, power and empty stores (likely raided) after 72 hours or so.
Oh, they will. Read “rule of three”. Herb is a badass. If knowing it’s going to be 8 weeks, no biggie. The fear is the unknown.
Heard the same from a Fox News chick this AM. Actually trying to make people feel shame when complaining that their pocketbook is being affected because our leaders are feckless and weak.
Inflation will happen … that’s a given
The part that is addressable though is doing all possible to avoid the inflation that is avoidable
Some good to know news from the US government in case you are nuked. Keep your social distancing and for god's sake wear a mask or the chicom crud could be a big problem. Priorities.
Just remember some over paid and under worked minion wrote this and probably went through 5 supervisor level reviews before this was released.
Nuclear Explosion Nuclear explosions can cause significant damage and casualties from blast, heat, and radiation but you can keep your family safe by knowing what to do and being prepared if it occurs.
A nuclear weapon is a device that uses a nuclear reaction to create an explosion.
Nuclear devices range from a small portable device carried by an individual to a weapon carried by a missile.
A nuclear explosion may occur with or without a few minutes warning.
Fallout is most dangerous in the first few hours after the detonation when it is giving off the highest levels of radiation. It takes time for fallout to arrive back to ground level, often more than 15 minutes for areas outside of the immediate blast damage zones. This is enough time for you to be able to prevent significant radiation exposure by following these simple steps:
GET INSIDE Get inside the nearest building to avoid radiation. Brick or concrete are best.
Remove contaminated clothing and wipe off or wash unprotected skin if you were outside after the fallout arrived. Hand sanitizer does not protect against fall out. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, if possible. Do not use disinfectant wipes on your skin.
Go to the basement or middle of the building. Stay away from the outer walls and roof. Try to maintain a distance of at least six feet between yourself and people who are not part of your household. If possible, wear a mask if you’re sheltering with people who are not a part of your household. Children under two years old, people who have trouble breathing, and those who are unable to remove masks on their own should not wear them.
I have solar on my rolling house, I would be good but unable to roll. But all the other RVers near me would die within a week or two and then I become a looter. Or a good guy like on The Walking Dead. The cattle ranch right next to this place will feed me for a long time...
now I just need it to rain in Texas. Would the nuclear winter generate good rain fall? or would I be acid burned along with everything the rain touches - WE ARE ALL DOOMED
If you know how to hunt, fish and prepare your own food you will be fine. How many people can hunt, kill, bleed, skin, quarter and prepare a deer? This is well less than 20% the population now. Maybe 10%. Urban centers are completely fucked and will devolve into bedlam quickly. I'll be fine.
Outside of squirrels and neighborhood cats not a lot of game in my woods.
If you know how to hunt, fish and prepare your own food you will be fine. How many people can hunt, kill, bleed, skin, quarter and prepare a deer? This is well less than 20% the population now. Maybe 10%. Urban centers are completely fucked and will devolve into bedlam quickly. I'll be fine.
Outside of squirrels and neighborhood cats not a lot of game in my woods.
Quick Note: With an EMP, all electronics will be fried. Only very old automobiles (with gasoline) will be operable. Computers will be inoperable.
Doubt that generators will be operable.
I keep a 1985 Jeep Scrambler for a number of reasons, but one of the most important is it is solar flare and EMP resistant. And it can go anywhere and do anything. An old jeep is basically essential for life.
Fat liberal chicks.....ummm. Can't really think of any good use for them. Maybe forced rations until they are thin again. Then see how it plays.
Then again I'm pretty sure cats will become pretty useful. With all the death and uncleanliness there will be rats and shit. So until they finish their program they can pitch in there.
My point is that if you’re talking about 200 miles that’s doable from a drive standpoint on a tank of gas and once you get outside that radius things will gradually revert to normal
Shit like that hits the fan and I’m heading to a place like Texas where the downside weather related events are less likely
You’re right that most people don’t have a clue on how to “rough it”
There is something to be said for living a bit off the grid as those of us around major cities will be the first to feel any related pain
The part that is addressable though is doing all possible to avoid the inflation that is avoidable
Just remember some over paid and under worked minion wrote this and probably went through 5 supervisor level reviews before this was released.
Nuclear Explosion
Nuclear explosions can cause significant damage and casualties from blast, heat, and radiation but you can keep your family safe by knowing what to do and being prepared if it occurs.
A nuclear weapon is a device that uses a nuclear reaction to create an explosion.
Nuclear devices range from a small portable device carried by an individual to a weapon carried by a missile.
A nuclear explosion may occur with or without a few minutes warning.
Fallout is most dangerous in the first few hours after the detonation when it is giving off the highest levels of radiation. It takes time for fallout to arrive back to ground level, often more than 15 minutes for areas outside of the immediate blast damage zones. This is enough time for you to be able to prevent significant radiation exposure by following these simple steps:
Get inside the nearest building to avoid radiation. Brick or concrete are best.
Remove contaminated clothing and wipe off or wash unprotected skin if you were outside after the fallout arrived. Hand sanitizer does not protect against fall out. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, if possible. Do not use disinfectant wipes on your skin.
Go to the basement or middle of the building. Stay away from the outer walls and roof. Try to maintain a distance of at least six feet between yourself and people who are not part of your household. If possible, wear a mask if you’re sheltering with people who are not a part of your household. Children under two years old, people who have trouble breathing, and those who are unable to remove masks on their own should not wear them.
now I just need it to rain in Texas. Would the nuclear winter generate good rain fall? or would I be acid burned along with everything the rain touches - WE ARE ALL DOOMED