Even if you favored sending US troops into fight this would you really be confident about a Biden led military that's more concerned with trannie rights and believes white nationalism is the greatest threat we face in winning it? The same crowd that gave you the Afghanistan cluster fuck is now going kick ass in the Ukraine.
Joey bragged about getting out of Afghan. Let that sink in. Now all the chicken hawks are suddenly wanting a war with Russia. We’re led by fools. Джоуи хвастался, что выбрался из Афганистана. Пусть это впитается. Теперь все куриные ястребы вдруг хотят войны с Россией. Нас ведут дураки
You should be happy with $5. It’s going to get much worse. I heard millionaires on TV all night telling me how we’re going to have to sacrifice because that’s the cost of democracy.
You should be happy with $5. It’s going to get much worse. I heard millionaires on TV all night telling me how we’re going to have to sacrifice because that’s the cost of democracy.
Yeah nothing like people who live in Manhattan telling us that we're all going to have to sacrifice and pay higher fuel prices when most likely they don't even own a car.
I guess there are a lot of “TugCons” on the twitters. Who knew. This guy doesn’t have confidence in the people around Joey.
Totally a Putin guy, right Dazzler?
How can you look at Biden's 40 year political career and have any confidence that he'll handle this competently? Hell even the Dazzler admitted that Biden fucked up the Afghan withdrawal after weakly trying to blame it on Trump. Biden is a total cluster fuck, everyone can see it, and Dazzler still wants to let him go to war in Eastern Europe.
Pretty crazy, this is all out war dwarfing all predictions by its scale. Blitzkrieg. They’ve been working on this attack plan for years. Putin sounds unhinged, both in rhetoric and his actual speaking voice this isn’t like he’s ever sounded before. His declaration of war was pre-recorded several days ago.
Attacking from every possible direction, hitting most major cities in Ukraine. An area about the size of WA+OR+ID. Hypersonic missiles, marines landing from both seas, crossing from Belarus, Russia, and shelling from a tiny Russian puppet state in Moldova, ground attack jets, fighter jets, civilian and military targets.
Just saw a video of rockets hitting the civilian airport in Ivano-Frankivsk in far Western Ukraine. If you don’t have your road atlas of Central Europe handy, Vladimir Putin is protecting the nearly empty city of Donetsk by air striking a city that’s 130 miles closer to Berlin than to Donetsk. It’s a few hours drive from there to Poland, Hungary, or Romania.
Totally a Putin guy, right Dazzler?
This is really really bad.
I won’t come in your mouth.
APCs and Tanks rolling on Kiev now….
Attacking from every possible direction, hitting most major cities in Ukraine. An area about the size of WA+OR+ID. Hypersonic missiles, marines landing from both seas, crossing from Belarus, Russia, and shelling from a tiny Russian puppet state in Moldova, ground attack jets, fighter jets, civilian and military targets.
Just saw a video of rockets hitting the civilian airport in Ivano-Frankivsk in far Western Ukraine. If you don’t have your road atlas of Central Europe handy, Vladimir Putin is protecting the nearly empty city of Donetsk by air striking a city that’s 130 miles closer to Berlin than to Donetsk. It’s a few hours drive from there to Poland, Hungary, or Romania.