Nuclear engineer (has done work with nuclear waste) but spends most of his/her time (personal and professional) advocating about their personal life.
It would be insane to put a hot chick who spends her time pushing an OnlyFans page in charge of the nuclear agency…behavior does not match the job description. We are not a serious country.
Look, this dude is into some crazy shit. Granted. He likes to display it on the internet and that’s certainly not my bag regardless of what you’re into. He’s also technically and academically qualified for the job Biden has given him. Come one, come all. As long as he can do these few things he’s cool with me. Be productive, don’t burn down the shit we pay taxes to have built, don't burn down peoples private property, don’t mandate medications on me that get in the way of me to make a living, Don’t increase my taxes for crack pipes and to line the pockets of the guy from your frat that runs a “non profit”. This guy? Who cares? He was fucked by his parents. Those conversion therapy places are the devil. Everyone is different. I’m a pretty easy guy. Just don’t tread on me.
Lets put it this way, when you lobby individuals in DC, be it elected or appointed, you are dealing with individuals, not titles or roles. Its the person, not the position and you learn real quickly that discovering the background of the individual is invaluable when meeting and trying to influence individuals in positions of power. It is impossible to separate the individual from the position especially when they inhabit roles that have profound influences over others. We knew maxine waters was a racist individual, she proved it. Its who she is. We were told biden was not intelligent and slimy as hell, he is proving it before our very eyes. There are appointed individuals in the West Wing who are what they are and make decisions accordingly regardless of their educational background.
When a guy lectures about having sex with "animals", men in masks acting like animals, hearing them squeal like "little boys", dresses up like a woman and then you put him in an extremely important appointed position such as nuclear waste, you are going to have to deal with an individual and his personal agenda that for sure is partly driven by his personal psychosis.
We continue to torture ourselves by putting people outside the center in positions in our government. There is a huge pool of Americans (the overwhelming majority) in the just right of center and just left of center and those in the middle who don't have mental issues or fetishes that are extreme perversions. They aren't concerned with going out and making videos and lecturing about banging the chili ring of masked men who think they are poodles.
We need to appoint people with more class, no agenda other than doing a great job, non-political. We should not be using appointed positions to further a social agenda or make the extremely perverted normal. We should expect more from our government. We have 300 million people in this country and two cross dressing idiots in bidens leadership team, men with obvious mental issues.
The Throbber does not give a single fuck about what one does in their free time between consenting adults.
The Throbber gives major fucks when whatever freaky fetish or behavior becomes a barometer of qualification or expertise. Fuck that. Double fuck that if the public is expected to embrace the freak show and celebrate it.
You do you. Just don't expect me to do you. Literally.
It would be insane to put a hot chick who spends her time pushing an OnlyFans page in charge of the nuclear agency…behavior does not match the job description. We are not a serious country.
Puppy play? End of an empire.
When a guy lectures about having sex with "animals", men in masks acting like animals, hearing them squeal like "little boys", dresses up like a woman and then you put him in an extremely important appointed position such as nuclear waste, you are going to have to deal with an individual and his personal agenda that for sure is partly driven by his personal psychosis.
We continue to torture ourselves by putting people outside the center in positions in our government. There is a huge pool of Americans (the overwhelming majority) in the just right of center and just left of center and those in the middle who don't have mental issues or fetishes that are extreme perversions. They aren't concerned with going out and making videos and lecturing about banging the chili ring of masked men who think they are poodles.
We need to appoint people with more class, no agenda other than doing a great job, non-political. We should not be using appointed positions to further a social agenda or make the extremely perverted normal. We should expect more from our government. We have 300 million people in this country and two cross dressing idiots in bidens leadership team, men with obvious mental issues.
The Throbber gives major fucks when whatever freaky fetish or behavior becomes a barometer of qualification or expertise. Fuck that. Double fuck that if the public is expected to embrace the freak show and celebrate it.
You do you. Just don't expect me to do you. Literally.