WPPS, Three Mile Island, The China Syndrome and Chernoble
I'm the sweet spot of anti nuclear power but after decades of operation in France I'm ready to follow the science
The waste is not an insurmountable problem
Toss in that WPPS was run by rural farmers who got swindled by Merrill Lynch to underwrite billions in bonds (back when billions was a thing). The US military has built dozens and dozens of standard issue nuclear plants and stuck them on ships and hasn't had a problem. Then the Japanese decided to build the Fukushima nukes in an earthquake zone next to the ocean with back up generators in a Tsunami zone. There are some easy lessons here. The only real nuke disaster has been Chernobyl. Which was a commie screw up with decades old technology. Three Mile Island killed no one. The China Syndrome was a fear movie and for some reason, it never has occurred.
So, build your US nukes outside of earth quake and tsunami zones. Ship the encased expired fuel rods to Yucca Mountain. Use a standard approved design so permitting is massively simplified. No one-off projects. The phucking Germans closed their nukes and are building coal plants and then lecturing the US on how to be green. Hell, the French have figured it out. The green gai religionists are commies. They think that freezing in the dark while starving is the high moral ground.
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I'm the sweet spot of anti nuclear power but after decades of operation in France I'm ready to follow the science
The waste is not an insurmountable problem
So, build your US nukes outside of earth quake and tsunami zones. Ship the encased expired fuel rods to Yucca Mountain. Use a standard approved design so permitting is massively simplified. No one-off projects. The phucking Germans closed their nukes and are building coal plants and then lecturing the US on how to be green. Hell, the French have figured it out. The green gai religionists are commies. They think that freezing in the dark while starving is the high moral ground.