Imagine being this big of a gullible dumbfuck. Hey Kobe, was the plan to distribute safe "smoking kits?" And what exactly is a same smoking kit? You must really enjoy sucking Biden's old man dick.
How naive are you? Journalismism 101 these days is to obfuscate when fact checking. Of course, the government isn't spending the entire sum of money on crack pipes. Is it spending $30 million on an initiative that includes crack pipes? Yes. And that's not in dispute. Notice your skepticism of the study about the negative effect of lockdowns, and notice how gullible you are here because it fits your narrative. Sad!
This too?
So of course
Lose the right way heard from or why are the GOP soft fucking losers?
Notice your skepticism of the study about the negative effect of lockdowns, and notice how gullible you are here because it fits your narrative. Sad!
But memeing involves thinking things are humorous and the left is too indignant and outraged for humor