They’re finished in November and they know it. This is an attempt to save as many seats possible. Let the gaslighting for the fools out there begin. People that pay attention know better.
It actually all started a couple of days after Christmas. Recall the CDC admission that PCR tests can hold positives for up to 12 weeks and Wen on CNN admitting that cloth masks don’t work.
Then throw in the CDC natural immunity study a few weeks ago after the Supreme Court decision.
The voting bill getting shot down is what triggered the action recently though.
Everyone who isn't a brain dead retard knows that's a lie. Biden's 40% approval rating with effectively state sponsored media coverage tells you all you need to know. With an aggressive neutral MSM he is sitting at about a 30% approval rating. They are all done. The great Covid reawakening has begun.
To turn back now.....
They’re finished in November and they know it. This is an attempt to save as many seats possible. Let the gaslighting for the fools out there begin. People that pay attention know better.
Then throw in the CDC natural immunity study a few weeks ago after the Supreme Court decision.
The voting bill getting shot down is what triggered the action recently though.
The leftist authoritarians are scurrying like cockroaches and hoping the proletariat forgets the last two years come election day.
We won't.
The motherfucking list comes for all
Coward weighs in for his authoritarian masters.
Meanwhile, Slow Joe dithers and lets a school board union president run covid policy.