Where do all the mainstream Democrats go after the progressives fully hijack the party? Or do the mainstreams finally fight back and kick the Squad out to go form something else? Hard to see a party where AOC and Manchin co-exist. I guess anything is possible though.
The progressives have hijacked the dem party. You have only two of 50 dem US Senators showing just the slightest bit of actual respect for this county. However, Sinema and Manchin voted to impeach Trump on the made up Russian collusion and Ukraine quid pro quo. Any centrist dem has to be worried about being primaried. As long as more than half the dem party is committed to socialism/communism and the fraud of global warming and defunding the police and massively subsidizing drug addicts the party will remain hijacked. The other part of the party, like old line dem hacks such as Schumer are bought and paid for by the government and teacher unions. Scoop Jackson ain't coming back as a dem.
Yes, they said it would
The left is already rewriting this history