This thread delivers. An anvil on Dazzler's pointed head.
Whenever some TugCon talking point falls completely apart, we can always count on Ivan to declare victory!
So, Pennsylvania spend "infrastructure" money on government employees. Haven't heard that before. Oh, yeah barry's $800 billion infrastructure for shovel ready jobs bill that largely went to government employees. Or Cali's carbon tax to save the planet going to the general fund. I'm seeing a pattern of abuse and the dazzler thinks he has a winning point. So, if I think a bill for infrastructure should go to bridges, roads and water projects and the dazzler thinks infrastructure is for child care credits and mandatory pre-school and is just a word to confuse ignorant dem voters, conservatives are losing the argument.
This thread delivers. An anvil on Dazzler's pointed head.
Whenever some TugCon talking point falls completely apart, we can always count on Ivan to declare victory!
So, Pennsylvania spend "infrastructure" money on government employees. Haven't heard that before. Oh, yeah barry's $800 billion infrastructure for shovel ready jobs bill that largely went to government employees. Or Cali's carbon tax to save the planet going to the general fund. I'm seeing a pattern of abuse and the dazzler thinks he has a winning point. So, if I think a bill for infrastructure should go to bridges, roads and water projects and the dazzler thinks infrastructure is for child care credits and mandatory pre-school and is just a word to confuse ignorant dem voters, conservatives are losing the argument.
You seem to have me confused with some progressive or something.
Anyway, the money went to the State Police. Who you love, except that you hate them for being public employees. Meanwhile, the patches of dirt that elect Tea Partiers to the State Legislature are provided police protection for free. It's almost like having a government made up of people who hate government is a failing strategy.
Shocked I tell you shocked....same thing in California
Yep, and the idiot voters fall for the bait and switch everytime. All kinds of bond measures and taxes get increased and the promise everytime that the money will only be used for roads and bridges and each and everytime we find out the money goes straight into the general fund to help pay for trannie's who are in prison and want the surgery and now "free" healthcare for illegals.
or the state police
Your team is in charge of Pennsylvania. Scratch a leftist, find a fascist.
Pennsylvania has a legislature I hear.
You might want to do a little research before spouting off, Gasbag.
After so many wrong covid takes based on your ideology instead of science, you might want to take some of your own advice. Does anyone actually pay you for advice? That would be pretty fucking hilarious.
Look Daddy I won again!
Daddy, daddy, daddy..............................DADDY!
Let it out Dazzler. Start with being the last kid picked in gym class, girls included.
Anyway, the money went to the State Police. Who you love, except that you hate them for being public employees. Meanwhile, the patches of dirt that elect Tea Partiers to the State Legislature are provided police protection for free. It's almost like having a government made up of people who hate government is a failing strategy.
Big nerve hit