What a fucking house of cards this entire thing is. Two doses of the "vaccine" offers limited to no protection. But you told us a year ago it would not only protect us but stop transmission. They would lie if the truth sounded better. FTGs.
What a fucking house of cards this entire thing is. Two doses of the "vaccine" offers limited to no protection. But you told us a year ago it would not only protect us but stop transmission. They would lie if the truth sounded better. FTGs.
It's almost as if they knew that COVID wasn't this instant death disease that the media was potraying it to be but they could also take advantage of fucking retards like Dazzler and co who pretended they were scared of virus so daddy government could inject them with orange juice.
What a fucking house of cards this entire thing is. Two doses of the "vaccine" offers limited to no protection. But you told us a year ago it would not only protect us but stop transmission. They would lie if the truth sounded better. FTGs.
It's almost as if they knew that COVID wasn't this instant death disease that the media was potraying it to be but they could also take advantage of fucking retards like Dazzler and co who pretended they were scared of virus so daddy government could inject them with orange juice.
@hhusky any evidence that natural immunity is better than the vaccines yet? Half of my company is out, all fully compliant, had 3-4 of them sitting in my office right before they left. I don’t have a semblance of a symptom after 5 days. What gives? I thought this was my winter of death.
"I thought this was my winter of death." As faithfully reported by the MSM which according to them publishes the news and not fear. The dazzler was so scared he got on a plane. Leftards lie and love to be lied to. But I do know several people who really are terrorized by the chicom crud but most don't give a sh*t because they actually have a brain and not some lady parts.
Pfizer CEO-FTG.
This dude has been making the rounds the past week selling gov't on buying more shots.
Can’t. Stop. Laughing.
And Sheeple will trample one another to get it cause it’s a GD death sentence if you don’t.
These people are unbelievable in their greed.
Good Sheeple, good Sheeple.
Good downvoting ostrich sheeples
No conflict there