Wouldn't you think that Pelosi's Jan 6th committee that is supposedly looking for the "truth" on what happened that day would be out front trying to find out the answer to this question? Where's the media that was totally consumed with the Jan 6th on this question? The lack of interest tells you the answer.
They are declining to answer using the sources and methods bullshit. But if the answer was no, then no sources or methods were used by definition in this specific incident. So it should be free game to answer assuming the answer is no.
Downvoting faggot shill making his shitty appearance in this thread. Big words, ostrich Boy. Big words.
Wouldn't you think that someone who believed Jan 6th was the worst thing to happen since the Civil War would want to know everything they could about the event?
I’m old enough to remember when the left was skeptical of all Fed LE and Intel agencies. But now that they’ve had years to corrupt all of them, it’s all good.
I’m old enough to remember when the left was skeptical of all Fed LE and Intel agencies. But now that they’ve had years to corrupt all of them, it’s all good.
Just needed tim to get their guys in there
Obozo did unbelievable damage to our nation. Sedition.
I’m old enough to remember when the left was skeptical of all Fed LE and Intel agencies. But now that they’ve had years to corrupt all of them, it’s all good.
Just needed tim to get their guys in there
Obozo did unbelievable damage to our nation. Sedition.
An answer could lead to two self inflicted gun shot wounds to the head.
Which means it’s yes.
Is Cancun Cruz supposed to be an insult?
Just needed tim to get their guys in there