It is still stunning how stupid and simplistic these leftard morons are. Their whole life is just assumptions. Trump supporters are the most unvaccinated people in the country! Oh, wait that would be people of color. Then on to the next stupid assumption that Trump and DeSantis are opposed to the vaccination just like all Trump supporters. Geezus. I stay away from any left wing new source because of the dishonesty and the fact these people are just phucking proudly ignorant. The conservative blogs actually use numbers and sh*t to make their points. If they get something wrong, they will issue a retraction or update indicating what they got wrong. There is white washing. The conservative blogs were actually analyzing the data on the gain of function research by the chicoms at a substandard bio lab. Then it turns out that Fow Chee supported gain of function research (still is lying about that). The leftard media just went into shill mode and categorically denied the report and then claimed without any evidence (other than the chicoms lying about it) that it came from a bat or a pangolin or something.
You see it here. When does a leftard ever post anything that directly supports any of their core beliefs? Like define black for AA purposes or how much should we spend on the fraud of global warming and what will it accomplish? If what I use as a news source lied to me about Sandmann and Rittenhouse why would I return? Hell, National Review went all in on the Russia hoax and the Sandmann narrative and I haven't pulled up their website for years.
It is still stunning how stupid and simplistic these leftard morons are. Their whole life is just assumptions. Trump supporters are the most unvaccinated people in the country! Oh, wait that would be people of color. Then on to the next stupid assumption that Trump and DeSantis are opposed to the vaccination just like all Trump supporters. Geezus. I stay away from any left wing new source because of the dishonesty and the fact these people are just phucking proudly ignorant. The conservative blogs actually use numbers and sh*t to make their points. If they get something wrong, they will issue a retraction or update indicating what they got wrong. There is white washing. The conservative blogs were actually analyzing the data on the gain of function research by the chicoms at a substandard bio lab. Then it turns out that Fow Chee supported gain of function research (still is lying about that). The leftard media just went into shill mode and categorically denied the report and then claimed without any evidence (other than the chicoms lying about it) that it came from a bat or a pangolin or something.
You see it here. When does a leftard ever post anything that directly supports any of their core beliefs? Like define black for AA purposes or how much should we spend on the fraud of global warming and what will it accomplish? If what I use as a news source lied to me about Sandmann and Rittenhouse why would I return? Hell, National Review went all in on the Russia hoax and the Sandmann narrative and I haven't pulled up their website for years.
Of course there is no headline in the WaPo calling her out like there would have been if Kayleigh McEnany had said some like that against a dem governor.
Of course there is no headline in the WaPo calling her out like there would have been if Kayleigh McEnany had said some like that against a dem governor.
Glenn Kessler would say her statement was “partially true” since DeSantis doesn’t support vaccine mandates.
You see it here. When does a leftard ever post anything that directly supports any of their core beliefs? Like define black for AA purposes or how much should we spend on the fraud of global warming and what will it accomplish? If what I use as a news source lied to me about Sandmann and Rittenhouse why would I return? Hell, National Review went all in on the Russia hoax and the Sandmann narrative and I haven't pulled up their website for years.