I know you guys are being sarcastic, but we actually did almost lose our democracy on January 6th. Those protesters were really close to establishing a new declaration of independence that hundreds of millions of Americans would have agreed to follow.
Not sure if you are serious. Honest elections are the cure for all of this mess. You get who you vote for should me something. One citizen one vote is not to much to ask.
But evidence to support any allegations of a dishonest election is too much to ask for, apparently.
We noticed your lack of support for honest state audits and also for you support of illegal changes to state voting laws. As an alleged MBA you would have been introduced to the concept of internal controls and segregation of functions. Or not. Your side opposes voter ID, cleaning up voting rolls, proof of citizenship to vote. It's almost like those would make it hard to cheat and yet leftards are vehemently opposed and in fact was all internal controls dropped under the proposed nationwide voting rules you support.
Elections are "audited" as a matter of course.
Outsourcing that function to partisans is your idea, Gasbag.
Good luck with that.
Fine. Do away with VBM and Institute vote ID and no counting until all ballots are in….no stopping until all ballots are counted under bipartisan supervision.
but still able to
Is that too much to ask?