HR was one of the most corrupt and dishonest politicians of our lifetime. His politics of personal destruction based on lies is one of the major reasons no one but far left rats trust their politicians. When that idiot from Utah mitt romney was doing well in the polls while running for President, the shit stain that was harry reid purposefully lied and said that romney hadn't pay any taxes for 10 years. A bold faced and calculated lie.
HR's personal enrichment at the expense of his own states taxpayers is common knowledge.
HR spent 2 years tabling all legislation but liberal legislation thus taking away equal representation for half the country.
The rumors about his personal life being full of corruption and lies were probably correct.
The irony here is now the rat press is painting him to be a saint, a liberal martyr.
Never forget that HR conned the moron Maverick to suspend his campaign for two weeks and return to DC to save the country. He was leading Barry at the time. Barry continued his campaign.
F HR. He was all about Harry. First, last and always.
All that being said McCain and Romney were dumb enough to let it work
Weak and feckless is no way to do politics
They thought they could replicate Bush's compassionate conservatism con. These 3 families should be shamed for the destruction they have wrought on the United States of America.
HR was one of the most corrupt and dishonest politicians of our lifetime. His politics of personal destruction based on lies is one of the major reasons no one but far left rats trust their politicians. When that idiot from Utah mitt romney was doing well in the polls while running for President, the shit stain that was harry reid purposefully lied and said that romney hadn't pay any taxes for 10 years. A bold faced and calculated lie.
HR's personal enrichment at the expense of his own states taxpayers is common knowledge.
HR spent 2 years tabling all legislation but liberal legislation thus taking away equal representation for half the country.
The rumors about his personal life being full of corruption and lies were probably correct.
The irony here is now the rat press is painting him to be a saint, a liberal martyr.
When Pelosi croaks, bust this out and insert her initials instead.
HR was one of the most corrupt and dishonest politicians of our lifetime. His politics of personal destruction based on lies is one of the major reasons no one but far left rats trust their politicians. When that idiot from Utah mitt romney was doing well in the polls while running for President, the shit stain that was harry reid purposefully lied and said that romney hadn't pay any taxes for 10 years. A bold faced and calculated lie.
Leftards lie and love to be lied to. Also, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Once upon a time, Reid was once a practicing Mormon and an American. Over time he became a proponent for gay marriage and abortion, sold power for personal enrichment and also a globalist America last. The US Constitution became a meaningless document in Harry's new corrupt world.
I don’t know. I thought he was pretty good in Deep Throat.
HR's personal enrichment at the expense of his own states taxpayers is common knowledge.
HR spent 2 years tabling all legislation but liberal legislation thus taking away equal representation for half the country.
The rumors about his personal life being full of corruption and lies were probably correct.
The irony here is now the rat press is painting him to be a saint, a liberal martyr.
F HR. He was all about Harry. First, last and always.
Weak and feckless is no way to do politics