Nothing has changed. The kkk might be disbanded for all intents and purposes but the sentiment and soul destroying racist behavior by democrats is still the same and creates the same results. the most disgusting story this week comes from the Washington Post and is on “transracial adoption.” Entitled, “’I know my parents love me, but they don’t love my people,’” this vile piece of progressive propaganda finds good leftist kids willing to stab the only parents they’ve ever known in the back in order to serve their political masters.
“The propriety of cross-cultural adoptions has been debated for decades,” the story states, and it’s true. The KKK – the enforcement wing of the Democrat Party – was opposed to the concept, as were racists in general. Now, in the name of diversity and tolerance, leftists would rather non-white children remain wards of the state or live in orphanages than be raised by loving parents who are white. I can say “parents who are white” because I have not seen a single story of a leftist whining about a Hispanic child being adopted by black parents or vice-versa. It happens, but for some reason progressives aren’t bothered by it.
They aren’t bothered by it because that is not a divide that aids Democrats, at least not yet. As Hispanics become a larger minority than blacks in this country, and they continue to vote in ways that displease Democrats, it will come. If Democrats can’t control someone they need to destroy them.
The simple fact is progressive leadership is made up of bad people. That’s it, full stop. Bad people will do anything they have to in order to get their way. Destroy lives, damage people, lie, cheat, you name it and they will do it.
As colleges host racially segregated graduation ceremonies and social events, know that while it disgusts you because it’s racist, there is an entire industry thriving off of it; thriving because of it. In fact, causing it.
When the President of the United States can tell a bunch of graduating college kids at a historically black college that black entrepreneurs aren’t smart enough to hire lawyers or accountants and there is no pushback at all, it shows you how deeply embedded in the progressive culture this racist attitude is. And it’s not going anywhere, because they need it too badly.
This just shows how deep the educational rot is combined with the professional black grifters. This is no difference than the hate that fills Colin Kaepernick (half white and adopted by a white couple) or barry (half white and raised during his high school years by his white grandparents). Both were loved by white parents/grandparents and lived a life of privilege as a three sport high school star who ended up a millionaire NFL football player or attending an elite private high school then an elite Ivy League college then a Harvard Law degree and ended up a millionaire author (allegedly) and US president.
Both ended up hating this country and allegedly believe in institutional systemic white racism despite the special institutional privilege they both received and the love of their white parents/guardians. Neither of these two tools could present any intellectually honest assessment of how their parents or grandparents hated blacks or how the US institutions oppressed them.