The left hated Bush. Made up the usual lies, tried their tricks in the media to hurt his election chances (our own "media" is far worse than Russia ever tried to be in influencing election outcomes) , cursed the very ground he walked on. Then 9-11 hit and most of my rat friends would go on to tell me privately that they were happy al gore was not President during that crisis. We even had some far left rats say the same thing on the old Woodshed eDuck political chat board. Gore was an inept idiot who had no idea how to handle a crisis or respond with a firm hand and people knew it.
Many in the country, including many on the left side of the "isle", now know that they made a mistake with biden. While I am not advocating Trump (I too was tired of the tweets), I think to most we are getting a clearer picture of what the country needs and it isn't life long rat politicians who have zero idea how to run a business let alone a country. The future will require part businessman part Governor. Trump did what he had to do as a businessman when covid came out and we needed vaccines. While Headboard and that fucking idiot biden were mocking Trump and his efforts, Trump got it done. One can argue the merits of vaccines, boosters, whatever, but what you can't do is NOT recognize how a businessman ran the show and got shit done when we needed it.
Headboard, in a very ill advised interview admitted that delta and omicron were complete surprises to them. Can someone explain how the hell that can be? How can this administration be so fucking inept and stupid to not prepare for the obvious variant? They have had a year in office to this point and we have nothing from them. Zilch. They have provided zero to the country in the way of tools to fight the viruses. This after a year long campaign that saw biden and harris telling the world over and over that they were going to solve the problem, stamp out Covid. The heavy lifting was done way before these inept idiots came into office. When you read the interview by the LA Times you get a front row seat on how fucking idiotic these people are. If you are Headboard, don't you think you and your team would have dry run this thing before you told the world you had no clue?
On a side note, its funny how much of a lying and corrupt hypocrite biden is. Read his quotes from 2017-19 on Trump and the vaccine and then go watch him take credit now. Just a fucking loser. Harris concedes White House ‘didn’t see’ Delta and Omicron coming
Vice-president’s candid admission on Covid variants came in wide-ranging interview with the Los Angeles Times
Wouldn't surprise me if Hilary is behind the Kamala-get-rid-of-Joe scheme. Then Hils swoops in during 2024 to capture the nomination when the approval ratings for then-President Blowie plummet to low teens or worse. Make it appear like the left is tacking back to the middle as a viable alternative to Trump/DeSantis bodies stacked like cordwood philosophy.
Same shit they did by elevating Biden as the safe/you can trust us nominee. Not mean and orange. Uniparty approves.