The numbers of black on black murder are staggering. Of all homicides this year, a record year for growth, 12% of the population has committed 54% of the murders.
If you look at the real %'s less than 6% of the population has committed 54% of the murders. Black women aren't killing people but black men are at an alarming rate.
BLM has done nothing but exacerbate an already horrendous murder rate in the black community.
According to the attached article, deaths of black unarmed men by Police has dropped from 12 to 4 this year. Good right? Black on black murders are up by almost 2000 dead bodies this year alone.
Its astounding how the left can fuck up everything they touch. what has the real-world outcome been from all these Black Lives Matter policy wins? Well, the nationwide number of police killings of unarmed black men has fallen from 12 in 2019 to just four in 2021. That is good progress.
But these policies have also helped spark a violent crime wave in our nation’s cities, and black neighborhoods have been hardest hit. According to the latest Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data, homicides rose at the fastest rate in U.S. history in 2020, and they have only continued to rise in 2021. Already, more than a dozen cities have set homicide records this year, and another half dozen are likely to do so before the year ends.
Even before the current crime wave, black people were already far more likely to be homicide victims than the rest of the nation. Even though they make up just over 12% of the population, the 7,777 black people killed in 2019 made up 53.5% of all homicide victims that year. But that number jumped dramatically in 2020 when 9,941 black people were killed, accounting for 55.8% of all homicide victims. That is an additional 2,000 black lives lost last year. That number will most likely be worse in 2021.
If the goal of the Black Lives Matter movement was to stop black people in America from getting killed, then they have failed spectacularly.
Giuliani saved thousands of black lives and made NYC the safest big city in the western world. The left hated him for that and called him a racist bigot.
Everything, everything the Left attempts to fix, that didn't need fixing, turns to absolute shit. Then they talk about how they're going to fix their created problem and make it seem as if they care. And the Sheeple like those on the left here, just keep voting for them.
A rational approach would be to use a scalpel, not a nuke, to move on police reform, but saving black lives was never the goal. Let the racial jungle, that TKS guy Biden has such disdain for, fend for themselves.
OAKLAND — Amid an 85% increase in carjackings in the city this year, a 35-year-old man was shot and his car stolen Monday morning in the Eastlake district, authorities said.
The man was initially listed in critical condition but was later upgraded to stable at a hospital with a gunshot wound to the abdomen, authorities said.
3 words . . . “I can’t breath . . . Don’t kill me officer . . . racing thoughts . . . a lot of gibberish.
Who was in the right front passenger seat accompanying him? His drug dealer.
The right thing to do would have been to let him drive away (as fucked up as he was) and kill some innocent people.
Any bets on whether he had a valid driver’s license and insurance?
Why did the media withhold the body cam footage of the arrest for such a lengthy period?
What could possibly go wrong?