The Great Society ruined the United States. A complete failure of policy and waste of resources that has gone on for 50+ years.
The US should have the best infrastructure, the best technology, the best education system, the best of everything -instead dipshits (both right and left) pissed away an 8 touchdown lead in the second half.
Richest country in the world and our fearless leader is pitching $$$$ for our crumbling infrastructure. A guy that has been part of the problem for 50 years. Now the left will say Trump pitched it too.
Except that he wanted money to actually fix the above, not for social welfare programs to lock up votes. He wanted it for the country, not to secure his power base. He wasn't there to F away our treasure for 50 years. The result is criminal and guys like Joey that were part of it for 50 years should be in prison for stealing our wealth.
Yeah, $2 million for a public toilet, meanwhile there are a sh*t load of homeless sh*tting on the street. Could have put up a few hundred porta potties and have them maintained for years for $2 million.
Same problem with public construction. Nothing like having a leftard tell me how important a new school project is for the kiddies but then demand that the Oregon Davis-Bacon laws require the construction to pay top artificial union wages to add close to 30% to the cost of the school construction.
The US should have the best infrastructure, the best technology, the best education system, the best of everything -instead dipshits (both right and left) pissed away an 8 touchdown lead in the second half.
Except that he wanted money to actually fix the above, not for social welfare programs to lock up votes. He wanted it for the country, not to secure his power base. He wasn't there to F away our treasure for 50 years. The result is criminal and guys like Joey that were part of it for 50 years should be in prison for stealing our wealth.
Being focused on 4 year cycles we miss the big picture. China and Russia are playing long ball. China is notoriously working a 100-year plan.
Also, bad actors take advantage of 'arbitrary' time restrictions.
If we? don't get our priorities straight, we are in real trouble.
Same problem with public construction. Nothing like having a leftard tell me how important a new school project is for the kiddies but then demand that the Oregon Davis-Bacon laws require the construction to pay top artificial union wages to add close to 30% to the cost of the school construction.