Thanks rats. You are raising the most violent and out of control children this country has ever seen. You should be ashamed but somehow I think you are proud.
The bus driver must have represented 150 years of slavery huh? Or maybe the savage beating was the children just trying to feed their families.
My wife sent me an article about gangs using women to lure unsuspecting old fogeys to a car where they are grabbed and robbed through the window so they aren't caught on camera. The old can you help us we need food scam turned into a violent robbery
I told her punks are still way more scared of me than I am of them
All the of result of stellar parenting. My kids don't look to beat bus drivers. What are we doing wrong? Is there a class we can take as parents on how to raise shitty human beings?
All the of result of stellar parenting. My kids don't look to beat bus drivers. What are we doing wrong? Is there a class we can take as parents on how to raise shitty human beings?
I told her punks are still way more scared of me than I am of them