How did people find out about this board originally? It took me four months to discover it via a @Houhusky Facebook post linking to an article on he wrote on OL (recruiting?)
How did people find out about this board originally? It took me four months to discover it via a @Houhusky Facebook post linking to an article on he wrote on OL (recruiting?)
Someone, and who it was is lost to the sands of tim, PMed me at whatever bored we were at before this one and said "Hey DJ is making a bored here's the link." And the rest as they say, is history.
edit: Learned later in the thread it was @Houhusky who PM'ed me the deets. A gentlemen and a scholar that one.
How did people find out about this board originally? It took me four months to discover it via a @Houhusky Facebook post linking to an article on he wrote on OL (recruiting?)
Someone, and who it was is lost to the sands of tim, PMed me at whatever bored we were at before this one and said "Hey DJ is making a bored here's the link." And the rest as they say, is history.
How did people find out about this board originally? It took me four months to discover it via a @Houhusky Facebook post linking to an article on he wrote on OL (recruiting?)
Someone, and who it was is lost to the sands of tim, PMed me at whatever bored we were at before this one and said "Hey DJ is making a bored here's the link." And the rest as they say, is history.
Pretty sure DJ actually PM'ed me IIRC.
I didn't have your stature back then. I was on all those boreds (Freebird, Pit, HHB, Such Fag J, etc.) but I wasn't the prolific poaster I am now. From 2001-2010 I was too busy blowing up @PurpleBaze cousins to fuck around too much with message bored funz.
How did people find out about this board originally? It took me four months to discover it via a @Houhusky Facebook post linking to an article on he wrote on OL (recruiting?)
When HuskyHalfbrains got shut down I created a stopgap zombie board that was rife with Sven and Harv porn until a more competent adult ( @DerekJohnson ) came along and made something more serious.
Once DJ (ILTCHDJ) had this place set up I sent DMs to the regular fucktards flooding the chat still on dawgman from a burner account and few people in the facebook dawgman banned group I knew. The fact that Derek was able to cultivate this place into a cesspool of freespeech sports hilarity that is still chugging along is nothing short of a miracle.
I remember that OL article, I think I wrote it sitting in my CSE 142 class... cant remember what was in it, probably laughably bad.
How did people find out about this board originally? It took me four months to discover it via a @Houhusky Facebook post linking to an article on he wrote on OL (recruiting?)
When HuskyHalfbrains got shut down I created a stopgap zombie board that was rife with Sven and Harv porn until a more competent adult ( @DerekJohnson ) came along and made something more serious.
Once DJ (ILTCHDJ) had this place set up I sent DMs to the regular fucktards flooding the chat still on dawgman from a burner account and few people in the facebook dawgman banned group I knew. The fact that Derek was able to cultivate this place into a cesspool of freespeech sports hilarity that is still chugging along is nothing short of a miracle.
I remember that OL article, I think I wrote it sitting in my CSE 142 class... cant remember what was in it, probably laughably bad.
You were important to the movement in your own stopgap zombie bored way. If @Stalin has seen farther than others, it is because he stood on the shoulders of giants like @Houhusky
edit: Many heroes both small and large in a 30 year war
How did people find out about this board originally? It took me four months to discover it via a @Houhusky Facebook post linking to an article on he wrote on OL (recruiting?)
Someone, and who it was is lost to the sands of tim, PMed me at whatever bored we were at before this one and said "Hey DJ is making a bored here's the link." And the rest as they say, is history.
Pretty sure DJ actually PM'ed me IIRC.
I didn't have your stature back then. I was on all those boreds (Freebird, Pit, HHB, Such Fag J, etc.) but I wasn't the prolific poaster I am now. From 2001-2010 I was too busy blowing up @PurpleBaze cousins to fuck around too much with message bored funz.
I thought college football message boreds were for homos from 2001- 16.
How did people find out about this board originally? It took me four months to discover it via a @Houhusky Facebook post linking to an article on he wrote on OL (recruiting?)
Someone, and who it was is lost to the sands of tim, PMed me at whatever bored we were at before this one and said "Hey DJ is making a bored here's the link." And the rest as they say, is history.
Pretty sure DJ actually PM'ed me IIRC.
I didn't have your stature back then. I was on all those boreds (Freebird, Pit, HHB, Such Fag J, etc.) but I wasn't the prolific poaster I am now. From 2001-2010 I was too busy blowing up @PurpleBaze cousins to fuck around too much with message bored funz.
I thought college football message boreds were for homos from 2001- 16.
Oh wait…
I am the founding member of something called the gay cabal for a reason.
edit: Learned later in the thread it was @Houhusky who PM'ed me the deets. A gentlemen and a scholar that one.
Once DJ (ILTCHDJ) had this place set up I sent DMs to the regular fucktards flooding the chat still on dawgman from a burner account and few people in the facebook dawgman banned group I knew. The fact that Derek was able to cultivate this place into a cesspool of freespeech sports hilarity that is still chugging along is nothing short of a miracle.
I remember that OL article, I think I wrote it sitting in my CSE 142 class... cant remember what was in it, probably laughably bad.
edit: Many heroes both small and large in a 30 year war
Oh wait…