Any less appropriate than top down, debt fueled "higher" education in an internet world?
The entire education system is pretty flawed. Still better than 95% of humanity's, though. We need to pay teachers more money so that more capable individuals are in charge of classrooms.
Any less appropriate than top down, debt fueled "higher" education in an internet world?
The entire education system is pretty flawed. Still better than 95% of humanity's, though. We need to pay teachers more money so that more capable individuals are in charge of classrooms.
Teachers need to be paid more and given freedom to actually teach instead of having forced worksheet lesson plans that are 80 percent busywork bullshit.
That being said there is already an unbelievable amount of money in the teaching "industry". In 2011 New Jersey's per pupil spending per year was 17,620 dollars. Given that each classroom is typically around 30 students that's 528,600 dollars for nine months of work for one classroom. Given that the teacher is likely only paid 40-50K where the fuck is the other almost half million dollars per classroom going?
Higher education is a completely different story... An almost infinite amount of relatively low cost money and high demand tends to drive prices pretty high, especially if you can convince everyone in an entire country that they need have one to be successful or want a job after age 22.
That being said there is already an unbelievable amount of money in the teaching "industry". In 2011 New Jersey's per pupil spending per year was 17,620 dollars. Given that each classroom is typically around 30 students that's 528,600 dollars for nine months of work for one classroom. Given that the teacher is likely only paid 40-50K where the fuck is the other almost half million dollars per classroom going?
Higher education is a completely different story... An almost infinite amount of relatively low cost money and high demand tends to drive prices pretty high, especially if you can convince everyone in an entire country that they need have one to be successful or want a job after age 22.
Emmert's condemnation could almost make me think this whole unionization thing might be a good idea after all...