No argument there, shit organization superiority guy
We love animals so much, we're going to kill fucktons of dogs and cats and stop all research on rats and other lab animals. Who cares if we might cure cancer one day....think of the rats!!
No argument there, shit organization superiority guy
We love animals so much, we're going to kill fucktons of dogs and cats and stop all research on rats and other lab animals. Who cares if we might cure cancer one day....think of the rats!!
No argument there, shit organization superiority guy
We love animals so much, we're going to kill fucktons of dogs and cats and stop all research on rats and other lab animals. Who cares if we might cure cancer one day....think of the rats!!
Looks like she almost shot her eye out with her Red Ryder
I don't know what to do here. Upvote for my love of tattoos, or downvote for my love of killing furry things. Confusion says get another beer and do nothing.
(That being said, Eva Mendes is a 10.)
BRB; putting dressing on that salad
Looks like she almost shot her eye out with her Red Ryder
Fuck PETA., though not a big fan of CCF who runs that site