If I like my "make it up as we go" science can I keep it?
That’s an uncharitable way of framing it but, yes, science is about figuring it out as you go. Truth isn’t handed down to you in a burning bush, man. It has to be figured out.
If I like my "make it up as we go" science can I keep it?
That’s an uncharitable way of framing it but, yes, science is about figuring it out as you go. Truth isn’t handed down to you in a burning bush, man. It has to be figured out.
Maybe you're a lawyer after all, because your understanding of science is utterly lacking.
You don't "figure it out as you go" - in science, and particularly in pharma, you perform tests in controlled scenarios to gather reliable data and avoid risk while mitigating noise from extraneous variables where possible. Then again, your pfriends pfigured it out as they went, so maybe that's what you're parroting
If I like my "make it up as we go" science can I keep it?
That’s an uncharitable way of framing it but, yes, science is about figuring it out as you go. Truth isn’t handed down to you in a burning bush, man. It has to be figured out.
What has 'science' figured out now that it's been two years? We have the director of the CDC praising China's approach of total lockdowns, and warning us of impending doom. We're making toddlers wear masks, and Fauci wants to give infants shots. There never was any science on the six feet social distancing rule. There is no science on masking outdoors. There's a small trickle of people finally admitting these things. I'm not sure why you are smugly trotting out this tired line, you know you're better than that. Science would tell us that now this is endemic and that enough is known about the risk of getting it as well as dying from it that we need to move on and get back to normal life. There's even a pill now. Saddest of all is @MelloDawg humping your leg. What a pathetic coward.
If I like my "make it up as we go" science can I keep it?
That’s an uncharitable way of framing it but, yes, science is about figuring it out as you go. Truth isn’t handed down to you in a burning bush, man. It has to be figured out.
What has 'science' figured out now that it's been two years? We have the director of the CDC praising China's approach of total lockdowns, and warning us of impending doom. We're making toddlers wear masks, and Fauci wants to give infants shots. There never was any science on the six feet social distancing rule. There is no science on masking outdoors. There's a small trickle of people finally admitting these things. I'm not sure why you are smugly trotting out this tired line, you know you're better than that. Science would tell us that now this is endemic and that enough is known about the risk of getting it as well as dying from it that we need to move on and get back to normal life. There's even a pill now. Saddest of all is @MelloDawg humping your leg. What a pathetic coward.
Saddest of all is @MelloDawg humping your leg. What a pathetic coward.
I quietly asked her if she was sure. Ts and Ps
Had I insisted that she get three shots she would have got none. Rookie mistake