Another example of how women get treated once they are not goose stepping morons for the rat cause.
The sexist, racist, hypocritical and class based elitist NYT, the gift that keeps on giving. Susan Collins (R., Maine), Jeanne Shaheen (D., N.H.), and Lisa Murkowski (R., Alaska) wrote a letter to the editor on Friday that criticized the paper of record for in the past two months "publish[ing] four separate pieces analyzing the style and dress of our colleague senator Kyrsten Sinema."
"Your repeated focus on how she dresses, rather than what she says and does, is demeaning, sexist, and inappropriate," the senators wrote. "We cannot imagine the Times printing similar pieces on the fashion choices of any of our male colleagues."
The Times accused Sinema of engaging in "political theater" and "coded speech" while wearing an array of eye-catching outfits, including denim vests, white-caped dresses, and in one particularly memorable instance, a hot pink sweater with the words "Dangerous Creature" written on its front. Three of the four pieces were written by the same Times opinion writer, Tressie McMillan Cottom, who claims Sinema's "aesthetics are part of the way she courts, manipulates, and plays with public attention as a political figure."