I’m uncomfortable with someone going looking to kill someone, killing someone and then claiming self defense. But, legally, it seems to be correct.
I have carried a fucking gun almost every day of my adult life and I am not looking to kill anyone. But fuck around and find out if I will at your own peril. Some have.
I can tell you that was classic self defense. But people like you don't understand the concept of disparity of force or being disarmed by an aggressor.
Go try and take any cops gun or be in a group that could easily beat him to death and try to do so. They will shoot you too.
I’m uncomfortable with someone going looking to kill someone, killing someone and then claiming self defense. But, legally, it seems to be correct.
What kind of education did you get slobberer? Geezus you are one dumbphucking idiot. I always carry med supplies and a fire extinguisher when I'm out hunting antifa. I'd feel uncomfortable if the facts supported your claim, but they don't do they? At best, you are lying and and much worse if you are just proudly ignorant. But, you are both. If your facts were accurate, then the self-defense argument fails. But outside of the video and eye witness accounts you have no facts. The case should never have been brought and what ever education degree you have you should give it back as unearned. That includes a kindergarten certificate.
I’m uncomfortable with someone going looking to kill someone, killing someone and then claiming self defense. But, legally, it seems to be correct.
You a comfortable with people looking for any excuse to riot, vandalize, steal, commit arsonand assault people. And then claiming victim status when the person the are attacking puts a cap in their ass.
I’m uncomfortable with someone going looking to kill someone, killing someone and then claiming self defense. But, legally, it seems to be correct.
Do you have any actual evidence he was there to cause harm? I'm honestly curious why you took this position outside of the media narrative that's largely been squelched.
(and no, editorials from MSNBC and CNN don't count)
Of course this time they'll go to jail
But I'm okay with that. Take out some leftists rioters and take a nutjub off the streets.
Kinda like George Floyd. Win for everybody
I can tell you that was classic self defense. But people like you don't understand the concept of disparity of force or being disarmed by an aggressor.
Go try and take any cops gun or be in a group that could easily beat him to death and try to do so. They will shoot you too.
Feels ain't evidence, bubby.
Get over it.
Guy will be in jail soon enough anyway though so whatevs
Now get over it.
Happy Bob? Please stop lying with every other post.
All much dumber.
(and no, editorials from MSNBC and CNN don't count)