Also in October 2020, the conspirators engaged in an online voter intimidation campaign involving the dissemination of a threatening message (the “Voter Threat Emails”), purporting to be from the Proud Boys, to tens of thousands of registered voters, including some voters whose information the conspiracy had obtained from State-1’s website. The emails were sent to registered Democrats and threatened the recipients with physical injury if they did not change their party affiliation and vote for President Trump
Also in October 2020, the conspirators engaged in an online voter intimidation campaign involving the dissemination of a threatening message (the “Voter Threat Emails”), purporting to be from the Proud Boys, to tens of thousands of registered voters, including some voters whose information the conspiracy had obtained from State-1’s website. The emails were sent to registered Democrats and threatened the recipients with physical injury if they did not change their party affiliation and vote for President Trump
That’s from the indictment.
Thanks for proving there was voter fraud. You're not good at this are you? Fuck you aren't good at breathing. Stop.
Also in October 2020, the conspirators engaged in an online voter intimidation campaign involving the dissemination of a threatening message (the “Voter Threat Emails”), purporting to be from the Proud Boys, to tens of thousands of registered voters, including some voters whose information the conspiracy had obtained from State-1’s website. The emails were sent to registered Democrats and threatened the recipients with physical injury if they did not change their party affiliation and vote for President Trump
That’s from the indictment.
Thanks for proving there was voter fraud. You're not good at this are you? Fuck you aren't good at breathing. Stop.
That’s not voter fraud.
I’ve never said the election was immaculate. There is fraud and intimidation every election. There’s zero evidence this election was worse than any other election and there’s zero evidence it heavily favored either side.
Also in October 2020, the conspirators engaged in an online voter intimidation campaign involving the dissemination of a threatening message (the “Voter Threat Emails”), purporting to be from the Proud Boys, to tens of thousands of registered voters, including some voters whose information the conspiracy had obtained from State-1’s website. The emails were sent to registered Democrats and threatened the recipients with physical injury if they did not change their party affiliation and vote for President Trump
That’s from the indictment.
Thanks for proving there was voter fraud. You're not good at this are you? Fuck you aren't good at breathing. Stop.
That’s not voter fraud.
I’ve never said the election was immaculate. There is fraud and intimidation every election. There’s zero evidence this election was worse than any other election and there’s zero evidence it heavily favored either side.
Sure is. How did Pennsylvania get 70K more votes than registered voters? Just one example.
Also in October 2020, the conspirators engaged in an online voter intimidation campaign involving the dissemination of a threatening message (the “Voter Threat Emails”), purporting to be from the Proud Boys, to tens of thousands of registered voters, including some voters whose information the conspiracy had obtained from State-1’s website. The emails were sent to registered Democrats and threatened the recipients with physical injury if they did not change their party affiliation and vote for President Trump
That’s from the indictment.
Thanks for proving there was voter fraud. You're not good at this are you? Fuck you aren't good at breathing. Stop.
That’s not voter fraud.
I’ve never said the election was immaculate. There is fraud and intimidation every election. There’s zero evidence this election was worse than any other election and there’s zero evidence it heavily favored either side.
Sure is. How did Pennsylvania get 70K more votes than registered voters? Just one example.
Also in October 2020, the conspirators engaged in an online voter intimidation campaign involving the dissemination of a threatening message (the “Voter Threat Emails”), purporting to be from the Proud Boys, to tens of thousands of registered voters, including some voters whose information the conspiracy had obtained from State-1’s website. The emails were sent to registered Democrats and threatened the recipients with physical injury if they did not change their party affiliation and vote for President Trump
Also in October 2020, the conspirators engaged in an online voter intimidation campaign involving the dissemination of a threatening message (the “Voter Threat Emails”), purporting to be from the Proud Boys, to tens of thousands of registered voters, including some voters whose information the conspiracy had obtained from State-1’s website. The emails were sent to registered Democrats and threatened the recipients with physical injury if they did not change their party affiliation and vote for President Trump
That’s from the indictment.
Thanks for proving there was voter fraud. You're not good at this are you? Fuck you aren't good at breathing. Stop.
That’s not voter fraud.
I’ve never said the election was immaculate. There is fraud and intimidation every election. There’s zero evidence this election was worse than any other election and there’s zero evidence it heavily favored either side.
You don't know that. You can't say that. But Lefties love writing checks their asses can't cash.
Russian Collusion! Nazis are Fine People! Jussie Smollet was attacked by white MAGA Trumpsters! Pee Tapes! There's Pee Tapes!!!
That’s from the indictment.
I’ve never said the election was immaculate. There is fraud and intimidation every election. There’s zero evidence this election was worse than any other election and there’s zero evidence it heavily favored either side.
Dipshits and techie nerds thought they could play the coverup/hide the sausage game. Stupid leftists.
Dems are today's party of Nixon.
Russian Collusion! Nazis are Fine People! Jussie Smollet was attacked by white MAGA Trumpsters! Pee Tapes! There's Pee Tapes!!!