Hopefully we get some more copycats and leftist pedos to attack them!!
I just assume that all leftists are pedos now, trying to normalize it and call it 'Minor Atttracted Persons'. Leftists are straight up coming for your children.
That asst. professor was suspended by ODU this week. A bridge too far?
Test balloon failed and gotta go after him for telling the truth.
I hope he sues MSNBC. They spent years complaining about Fox only to become much worse. Everyone on that network can burn in hell.
MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Twitter, Facebook.
Money fucking grab.
In a somewhat ironic twist, the Aryan Nations weren't put down by some massive change of heart by its members. They were sued into bankruptcy and had to fold.
Gonna be fun to watch those bitch ass bitch media giants write massive checks. Name every single reporter personally and Don Lemon specifically in lawsuits for this debacle.
I hope he sues MSNBC. They spent years complaining about Fox only to become much worse. Everyone on that network can burn in hell.
MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Twitter, Facebook.
Money fucking grab.
In a somewhat ironic twist, the Aryan Nations weren't put down by some massive change of heart by its members. They were sued into bankruptcy and had to fold.
Gonna be fun to watch those bitch ass bitch media giants write massive checks. Name every single reporter personally and Don Lemon specifically in lawsuits for this debacle.
There is so much money for him out there. It’s limitless. Go grab a few quick bucks from a couple of places via settlements and then use that bankroll to go full nuclear on MSNBC and Biden. No settling, full discovery and verdict.
When will the Civil suits be filed now against Rittenhouse? That Grosskreutz loser can't BRB, JO anymore. The other dead stiffs probably have some family that wants to cash in.
This is such a great point. Our evil corporate press was fanning the racial flames, that they had to create because they didn't even exist, all in order to railroad an innocent 17 year old kid.
His attorney presser it’s pretty clear he has no professional respect for the prosecutors.
I know it's been said numerous times but this case should have never gone to trial. And those fucking prosecuters knew this and yet they still tried to put this kid in a cage for the rest of his life. Fucking evil bastards.
Money fucking grab.
In a somewhat ironic twist, the Aryan Nations weren't put down by some massive change of heart by its members. They were sued into bankruptcy and had to fold.
Gonna be fun to watch those bitch ass bitch media giants write massive checks. Name every single reporter personally and Don Lemon specifically in lawsuits for this debacle.
Why we would
Hang the Banner and throw him a parade
Leftists are fucking stupid
HHUSKY, Helicopter (kobestopper), HuskyJW, Howling
Now I will go read the thread
Sue his ass. Kammy too.