Nothing like the government fucking around in the labor market and people Kobe thinking it’s “capitalism “. 😂 can’t make this shit up. Given he doesn’t know what fascism is, why would we think he knows what capitalism is?
But it’s not REAL capitalism?
It not any kind of capitalism. Real, fake, or anything that resembles it. But you wouldn’t know that.
It is what it is. Government interference in the labor market.
It’s happening in a country where the means of production are privately owned.
Unless, you mean to tell me that something that happens in a country with a specific economic system, isn’t necessarily the fault of said economic system?
And regulated, including heavy interference with the labor market. - that country?
Nothing like the government fucking around in the labor market and people Kobe thinking it’s “capitalism “. 😂 can’t make this shit up. Given he doesn’t know what fascism is, why would we think he knows what capitalism is?
I would argue at least 50 percent of leftists work at Starbucks and are ugly and fat or a weak pussy dude.
I made all that shit above up so I could post that picture with a CSB.
Fix me a double skinny mocha-sex-a-latte, por favor.
its about hot chicks working menial jobs that show off their tits
keep up
Cover that mess up, you know.