First off, welcome to our message boards. You're about to enter lively forums centered around Husky Football. We're looking to create a place where people can relax and say what's on their mind. The majority of posters are very passionate about Husky Football and that will show itself in the types of dialogue featured here. The best advice might be to lurk awhile and get acclimated to the environment before posting.
With the Irish guy buried up to his vag in sand, who is the dialed in PM guy now?
I'm thinking it should be PLSS.
Uh...we would probably need someone keeping a pretty close eye on the med dosages...
When there on point I could see it, if they get off the tracks that could go sideways pretty rapidly.
PLSS would be perfect. When he inevitably tells them to suck cock in his way they'll either fire back(they belong), laugh(they belong) or LEAVE!(WDWHA).
Be perfect. I mean we were sending them to a mick who was drunk by the time Adam Jood even woke up from an all night bender playing World of War Craft.
With the Irish guy buried up to his vag in sand, who is the dialed in PM guy now?
When there on point I could see it, if they get off the tracks that could go sideways pretty rapidly.
The answer to your question is buried under debris on the highway between Darrington and Arlington.
Be perfect. I mean we were sending them to a mick who was drunk by the time Adam Jood even woke up from an all night bender playing World of War Craft.
Not one poster wanted him back.