Second Vanguard. If you don't want to ever have to worry about it just drop $500 a month into one of their target retirement funds and be done with it. The investment will get more conservative as you get closer to being an old fuck but up until then, you're money is mostly just spread among their index funds. Can't go wrong with fidelity either.
I want to open one. Bill's mom said Vanguard is a good company. Any advice?
If you don't mind their woke ads and politics, is great. You can create a Roth IRA, set your risk tolerance, and fund the account. The first $15,000 are managed for free.
Vanguard is tier one. Open the account, put it into the SPY, reinvest the dividends and in 40 years you will kick yourself for not doing the same with every dollar you could have or did invest.
There are several different Vanguards to choose from. Which do folks prefer? WTF is a SPY? I've been investing in individual stocks with my IRA for the past year and have grown it by 80%, but that is not the strategy to employ over the long haul.