In the city west of where I live there is a big old Chevron refinery. The refinery has been in that location for over 100 years. When it was first built very few people lived in that area. Some fishermen and few boat builders and dock workers but at most there were less than 1,000 people living in that area. After the refinery was built the population in the area increased slowly and then during WWII it exploded. All this time the refinery was there doing what refineries do.
But now do you know what they say about the refinery? It's there because of "enviromental racism." You see during the war there were a lot of black folks who moved into the area to work in the shipyards. There was also a Ford truck plant in the area that attracted a lot of workers, many of whom were black. The refinery didn't move into their neighborhood, they moved into the refinery's neighborhood. But now we're told by our local version of Al Sharpton that the reason that refinery is located there in a black and brown neighborhood is because of white RACISM and the refinery needs to pay up.
And my uncle worked in that refinery for 40 years and he is still alive today
In the city west of where I live there is a big old Chevron refinery. The refinery has been in that location for over 100 years. When it was first built very few people lived in that area. Some fishermen and few boat builders and dock workers but at most there were less than 1,000 people living in that area. After the refinery was built the population in the area increased slowly and then during WWII it exploded. All this time the refinery was there doing what refineries do.
But now do you know what they say about the refinery? It's there because of "enviromental racism." You see during the war there were a lot of black folks who moved into the area to work in the shipyards. There was also a Ford truck plant in the area that attracted a lot of workers, many of whom were black. The refinery didn't move into their neighborhood, they moved into the refinery's neighborhood. But now we're told by our local version of Al Sharpton that the reason that refinery is located there in a black and brown neighborhood is because of white RACISM and the refinery needs to pay up.
And my uncle worked in that refinery for 40 years and he is still alive today
Sounds like a new grift to fleece whitey is breaking out across the country.