Did retard 2001400ex actually try and dispute that this happened? Very embarrassing and also very on brand.
Oh no he did say negro. Twice even. You just have to be a fucktard to think he called Satchel Page the great negro.
He did call him the "Great Negro." Now I'm more than inclined to believe he meant to say "Great Negro League" player and if Biden hadn't spent the entire campaign lying about Trump calling neo-Nazis "fine people" but given the fact that Biden made that lie a central part of his campaign and repeated it endlessly, I'm not cutting the fucking racist any slack. He called him the "Great Negro."
Weird how you run interference for a guy you claim you don't even like and didn't even vote for.
Or he's a not so closeted racist with a Freudian slip.
Either way, any respectable congressman should be pressing for the 25th.
Also, did you know Trump drank water with both hands?
Weird how you run interference for a guy you claim you don't even like and didn't even vote for.