I guess I'd most fit into populist right, though three or four years ago I was more a Dim Mainstay. You could say I'm "far right" on two issues and socialist in three. Bill doesn't fit neatly into your boxes world
Right wing populism is fascism. Always has been.
So what did Trump do that was fascism? Issue a bunch of stupid mandates, like wearing worthless masks? Siccing the FBI on parents? Intercepting Tucker's emails? Throwing trespassers (at best) in solitary for months? Don't hurt yourself slobberer.
All 14 of em.
Obviously nothing as bad as wearing a mask during a pandemic so other people don’t get sick though.
So, you got nothing. I listed some specific actions. You didn't for some reason.
PS Masks that people are wearing don't work. Other than that you killed it.
Kobe is gaslighting again. His 14 points are all things the left is currently engaged in.
All of that is true, plus he’s using a list that was first penned in 1995 as evidence of anything. Fascism is authoritarian rule, left or right. Also curious on #14 for @kobestopper, is it meant to question elections or is it meant to create frailer t elections. Would love to see your examples of the right holding fraudulent elections… Stacey Abrams I guess maybe.
Hmm I see fascists. They are in bed with the corporations. They are suppressing speech, communications, opposition. They are using the government apparatus to crush opposition. Their brown shirts are attacking opponents. They completely control the media and they want total control and wish to jail any who oppose them. They'll call for executions soon. Democrats.
I guess I'd most fit into populist right, though three or four years ago I was more a Dim Mainstay. You could say I'm "far right" on two issues and socialist in three. Bill doesn't fit neatly into your boxes world
Right wing populism is fascism. Always has been.
So what did Trump do that was fascism? Issue a bunch of stupid mandates, like wearing worthless masks? Siccing the FBI on parents? Intercepting Tucker's emails? Throwing trespassers (at best) in solitary for months? Don't hurt yourself slobberer.
All 14 of em.
Obviously nothing as bad as wearing a mask during a pandemic so other people don’t get sick though.
I guess I'd most fit into populist right, though three or four years ago I was more a Dim Mainstay. You could say I'm "far right" on two issues and socialist in three. Bill doesn't fit neatly into your boxes world
Right wing populism is fascism. Always has been.
So what did Trump do that was fascism? Issue a bunch of stupid mandates, like wearing worthless masks? Siccing the FBI on parents? Intercepting Tucker's emails? Throwing trespassers (at best) in solitary for months? Don't hurt yourself slobberer.
All 14 of em.
Obviously nothing as bad as wearing a mask during a pandemic so other people don’t get sick though.