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Homebrew_Dawg said: MontlakeBridgeTroll said:Firing Jimmy over this would be as fucking stupid as was firing Rick over a neighborhood bet on a basketball game. Fire Jimmy for being a shitty coach, not for exerting discipline over a player. Not firing Jimmy over this, as a cause cé·lè·bre, would be squandering a most opportune gift. This is like manna from heaven. Go Jen. Save yourself and take the first, necessary step to save the program. Fire Lake!
MontlakeBridgeTroll said:Firing Jimmy over this would be as fucking stupid as was firing Rick over a neighborhood bet on a basketball game. Fire Jimmy for being a shitty coach, not for exerting discipline over a player.
Firing Jimmy over this would be as fucking stupid as was firing Rick over a neighborhood bet on a basketball game. Fire Jimmy for being a shitty coach, not for exerting discipline over a player.
pawz said: Fire_Marshall_Bill said:30 years ago it would have been no big deal, but we're living in a pussified americaI'll accept it as a reason to fire him though 10000%When u see the context, complete Nothingburger.
Fire_Marshall_Bill said:30 years ago it would have been no big deal, but we're living in a pussified americaI'll accept it as a reason to fire him though
30 years ago it would have been no big deal, but we're living in a pussified americaI'll accept it as a reason to fire him though
DerekJohnson said: Fire_Marshall_Bill said:30 years ago it would have been no big deal, but we're living in a pussified americaI'll accept it as a reason to fire him though In 1978, ASU coach Frank Kush punched his punter at Husky Stadium and got suspended. A year later he was fired.
But it’s all about the experience of our student athletes.