Its interesting. For those that were around during the beginning of the AIDS crisis you can see how the left works. Gay men only needed to stop having unprotected sex to allow the virus to die out. The left told everyone that they were horrible human beings for expecting people to help themselves. "They're only human" was the lefts excuse for the unprotected spread of AIDS. Now you are an enemy of the state if you don't VAXX, even if you have natural immunity you are forced to get the jab. You either get it or you will be fired and there are many rats out there who believe anyone who doesn't get the shot should be denied healthcare if they get sick.
It was only two years ago many on the left were denying that the vaccine would even work. They were publicly hoping that Trump failed in his attempt to fast track a vaccine that worked. Even that fucking idiot biden was mocking Trump, now he is trying to take credit.
It was only two years ago many on the left were denying that the vaccine would even work. They were publicly hoping that Trump failed in his attempt to fast track a vaccine that worked. Even that fucking idiot biden was mocking Trump, now he is trying to take credit.