This is a war where harsh words need to be applied to those who think they have ownership over what goes into your body. They don't. They're vaxxed. They can FO. No one is stopping them from living their lives normally except for the politicians and civil servants they vote for and support. We do not have to play by their rules. In the end, we're Team Good and they're just not.
Facists that think other people should inject themselves with a vaccine, that over states efficacy and only touts safety data that ignores all of the AE's people are now suffering from, are Vaxx Jihadists.
This is a war where harsh words need to be applied to those who think they have ownership over what goes into your body. They don't. They're vaxxed. They can FO. No one is stopping them from living their lives normally except for the politicians and civil servants they vote for and support. We do not have to play by their rules. In the end, we're Team Good and they're just not.
Remember when the dazzler was pro-8th month abortion because of your body sh*t? Now, it ain't your body apparently.
If it’s such a dangerous disease why is nobody worried when Rodgers or any athlete gets it? Packers fans are more worried about winning on Sunday than they are about Rodgers’ health.
Young and healthy people don’t die from Covid. Obese and old people do. Those people should be vaccinated. It should be a choice, but lining big pharma’s pockets and keeping politicians in power is more important.
If it’s such a dangerous disease why is nobody worried when Rodgers or any athlete gets it? Packers fans are more worried about winning on Sunday than they are about Rodgers’ health.
Young and healthy people don’t die from Covid. Obese and fat people do. Those people should be vaccinated. It should be a choice, but lining big pharma’s pockets and keeping politicians in power is more important.
Remember when the Jazz players got the chicom crud in March of 2020 and they cancelled the season because of all the soon not to be dead NBA players?
If it’s such a dangerous disease why is nobody worried when Rodgers or any athlete gets it? Packers fans are more worried about winning on Sunday than they are about Rodgers’ health.
Young and healthy people don’t die from Covid. Obese and fat people do. Those people should be vaccinated. It should be a choice, but lining big pharma’s pockets and keeping politicians in power is more important.
Remember when the Jazz players got the chicom crud in March of 2020 and they cancelled the season because of all the soon not to be dead NBA players?
The level of dishonesty of the left played out on Cobert. He applauded Youngkin for ending CRT being taught in VA schools because it isn't being taught in the first place. His audience of idiots and morons laughed. Cause they're not passing out CRT textbooks!
Want to come back and discuss how important it is for people to do their own research when it comes to their personal health? I'm curious, when you typed that, did you think it was clever?
If it’s such a dangerous disease why is nobody worried when Rodgers or any athlete gets it? Packers fans are more worried about winning on Sunday than they are about Rodgers’ health.
Young and healthy people don’t die from Covid. Obese and old people do. Those people should be vaccinated. It should be a choice, but lining big pharma’s pockets and keeping politicians in power is more important.
You just wrote the prologue for @HHusky: The Story of My Life.
Young and healthy people don’t die from Covid. Obese and old people do. Those people should be vaccinated. It should be a choice, but lining big pharma’s pockets and keeping politicians in power is more important.
No not your usual man date.
He just can't break his addiction to racism.