I have a hard time with her. I want to love her, but she’s in favor of so many anti 2A things, I just can’t get behind her.
The truth is, her common sense and frequent America first views are the embodiment of the perfect President, one I would vote for. I am not saying I would vote for Tulsi but I could vote for someone who is not afraid to call her side out and smart enough to see what damage they are doing to the country. I can live with 50-50 legislation. I can't live with 100% poison, America hating rat legislation.
Clinton, as big of a shitbag of a human being that he is, saw the light after midterms and moved well to the middle which is a position I can live with. He counterbalanced the hideous bitch he was married to and who wanted to steer the country far left.
I'd trust Tulsi to "evolve" on the issues over the known sell out Mitt
I don't see either actually having a shot
She seems to me to be an evolving free thinker with very conservative leanings.
Better on avoiding forever wars unlike mittens. Has the same view on health care as mittens. mittens is also open borders and green renewables to phuck the average joe. Tulsi has more testosterone than cuck mittens. Gotta go with Tulsi
Ok groomer
Clinton, as big of a shitbag of a human being that he is, saw the light after midterms and moved well to the middle which is a position I can live with. He counterbalanced the hideous bitch he was married to and who wanted to steer the country far left.
Who you got?
I'd trust Tulsi to "evolve" on the issues over the known sell out Mitt
I don't see either actually having a shot