Officially, California has 1.4 million unemployed residents, but a new study that takes into account people who can’t find jobs that pay above poverty level says the number of “functionally unemployed” is three times higher at 4.8 million.
The analysis by the Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity, an organization focused on studying the economic well-being of middle and lower-income Americans, found 25.7% of California workers are functionally unemployed, meaning they are seeking, but unable to find, full-time employment paying above the poverty level. That’s compared to the state’s 7.5% unemployment rate.
GDP growth at 2.8%, which is higher than it was in 19.
All great news!! The country is back baby!
If I wasn't on a pitch count I'd bump all the threads of the clowns using those 3 metrics while Trump was president to say the economy is awesome. Clearly most here have a lack of basic self recognition.
Wages rose 0.4% for the month and were up 4.9% from a year ago.
And inflation is over 6%!
Real inflation is way up over 6% for the average joe - Food, gas, housing.
Fuel is up over 50% in some places.
Build back better!
Don't forget they won't be able to keep up with electrical demand because they haven't built a power plant in 20 years and dismantled 15% of their production when the closed San Onofre. I still wonder how they'll charge all the cars! Science!
GDP growth at 2.8%, which is higher than it was in 19.
All great news!! The country is back baby!
If I wasn't on a pitch count I'd bump all the threads of the clowns using those 3 metrics while Trump was president to say the economy is awesome. Clearly most here have a lack of basic self recognition.
GDP growth at 2.8%, which is higher than it was in 19.
All great news!! The country is back baby!
If I wasn't on a pitch count I'd bump all the threads of the clowns using those 3 metrics while Trump was president to say the economy is awesome. Clearly most here have a lack of basic self recognition.
GDP growth at 2.8%, which is higher than it was in 19.
All great news!! The country is back baby!
If I wasn't on a pitch count I'd bump all the threads of the clowns using those 3 metrics while Trump was president to say the economy is awesome. Clearly most here have a lack of basic self recognition.
Wages rose 0.4% for the month and were up 4.9% from a year ago.
And inflation is over 6%!
Real inflation is way up over 6% for the average joe - Food, gas, housing.
Fuel is up over 50% in some places.
Yet gas is basically the same as it was in 18 and shockingly you can't find posts of you guys (yes I said you guys) complaining about it.
No you wouldn't because you can't
The Trump economy was in a different world that you assholes tore down and replaced with the bullshit you posted here
As usual you were shown to be a dumbass and now are backtracking
Trump has been out of office for almost a year now
And yet it is still all you got
They don't even try. Hondo hasn't thrown a strike in a couple of days and now says it's the pitch count that is hampering him. Phucking lying loser. Probably wears Mom jeans too.
Employment is up from when? After the democrats crashed the economy?
Again your baseline on growth is after the democrats crashed the economy
Stats this good should have won for the punk, right?
Liars, damn liars, and statistics
And inflation is over 6%!
Claiming new jobs that you forced out of work isn't a good economy either.
Let's go Brandon
Officially, California has 1.4 million unemployed residents, but a new study that takes into account people who can’t find jobs that pay above poverty level says the number of “functionally unemployed” is three times higher at 4.8 million.
The analysis by the Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity, an organization focused on studying the economic well-being of middle and lower-income Americans, found 25.7% of California workers are functionally unemployed, meaning they are seeking, but unable to find, full-time employment paying above the poverty level. That’s compared to the state’s 7.5% unemployment rate.
Right wing outlet PBS
Don't forget they won't be able to keep up with electrical demand because they haven't built a power plant in 20 years and dismantled 15% of their production when the closed San Onofre. I still wonder how they'll charge all the cars! Science!
No you wouldn't because you can't
The Trump economy was in a different world that you assholes tore down and replaced with the bullshit you posted here
As usual you were shown to be a dumbass and now are backtracking
Trump has been out of office for almost a year now
And yet it is still all you got
Another post another lie
Penalty - one post removed from the 10