Santa Barbara is fucking dreckfest. Zero traffic except for the legion of rich blind Grandmas crawling at 50 on the freeway in their boat sized buicks.
I fucking hate cunts who camp in the far left line.
Dude might have been a pricc, but that pricc had a poont.
If I'm right then why the thumb down?
This is why driving in Seattle sucks ass so many dumb fucks who refuse to abide by the law that states "keep right except to pass". Shit sometimes I'll be going 80 and someone is on my ass I quickly hop over to let them pass then hop back to left line and keep on cruising.
Longhaul truck drivers who camp out in the left lane are the worst. You don't usually see this kind of shit in other countries. I don't know if the laws are stricter or what, but if you stay in the left lane of an autobahn you'll get your ass run over by cars going 130mph.
If she was hot, he would have been cool towards her no matter how shitty her driving was.