It’s called building a fucking garden. You should look into it sometime. There’s obvious reasons why many cities have ordinances against livestock. Noise, smell, use of resources, and sanitation are some of them.
It’s called building a fucking garden. You should look into it sometime. There’s obvious reasons why many cities have ordinances against livestock. Noise, smell, use of resources, and sanitation are some of them.
It’s called building a fucking garden. You should look into it sometime. There’s obvious reasons why many cities have ordinances against livestock. Noise, smell, use of resources, and sanitation are some of them.
It’s called building a fucking garden. You should look into it sometime. There’s obvious reasons why many cities have ordinances against livestock. Noise, smell, use of resources, and sanitation are some of them.
So it shouldn’t be a personal choice?
Not if it goes against existing ordinances and public safety. Are you just trying to be a cheeky ass or are you really this stupid? Serious question.
It’s called building a fucking garden. You should look into it sometime. There’s obvious reasons why many cities have ordinances against livestock. Noise, smell, use of resources, and sanitation are some of them.
So it shouldn’t be a personal choice?
Not if it goes against existing ordinances and public safety. Are you just trying to be a cheeky ass or are you really this stupid? Serious question.
Well ass is part of it. The slobberer was just phucking some strawman ass, which he apparently enjoys, however he never buys dinner. The alternative would require some coherent ability to make a cogent argument. Slobberer doesn't do either coherent or cogent.
Like trains
Good job Maine
It's when it's the right to someone else's food that you lose me.