Our PED sat in the exam room with my wife and kids last year and calmed any covid DEATH fears. She’s a very SMART doc. IM/PED practice. Educated at a very highly respected med school. I trust her more than Fauci.
I’m sure Hondo knows more.
I trust Race more than Fow Chee. Pretty low bar to be better than Fow Chee who funded this sh*t because trusting the chicoms to develop a bat virus that infects humans is the smart move because ...?
Your child's heart being fucked is rare and usually mild if you give them a shot they don't need
Welcome to the jungle Race ($75k)
The rate of Myocarditis from getting covid is much higher than from the vaccine. I've seen studies up to as much as 37 times. If you really are worried about myocarditis amongst kids you'd want to make sure they didn't get covid.
And yes you can debate whether it's 10x or 37x. The point stand that the rate of myocarditis is drastically higher from getting covid than from the vaccine.
It's a crime to vote more than once or for someone else. It's even a crime to vote for dead people. We just solved two issues, we good now?
VAERS accepts and analyzes reports of possible health problems—also called “adverse events”—after vaccination. As an early warning system, VAERS cannot prove that a vaccine caused a problem. Specifically, a report to VAERS does not mean that a vaccine caused an adverse event. But VAERS can give CDC and FDA important information. If it looks as though a vaccine might be causing a problem, FDA and CDC will investigate further and take action if needed.
I’m not anti-vaccine. I’m pro potential vaccine recipients being given all available info, that includes not just the clinical trials safety profiles but the post AE data. That’s how it’s always been.
Then people can give their consent to be vaxxed. And if they chose not to vaxx they will not be forced or mandated out of their livelihoods or the ability to be a social member of the human race.
Your child's heart being fucked is rare and usually mild if you give them a shot they don't need
Welcome to the jungle Race ($75k)
The rate of Myocarditis from getting covid is much higher than from the vaccine. I've seen studies up to as much as 37 times. If you really are worried about myocarditis amongst kids you'd want to make sure they didn't get covid.
I’m not anti-vaccine. I’m pro potential vaccine recipients being given all available info, that includes not just the clinical trials safety profiles but the post AE data. That’s how it’s always been.
Then people can give their consent to be vaxxed. And if they chose not to vaxx they will not be forced or mandated out of their livelihoods or the ability to be a social member of the human race.
Then people can give their consent to be vaxxed. And if they chose not to vaxx they will not be forced or mandated out of their livelihoods or the ability to be a social member of the human race.
Why anyone would think that we would believe anything after the last two years in beyond me
It’s about the children!