As Toad said the midterms are a year away. What is the press going to do to ensure a Dem victory for the midterms? Dump Biden soon and try to get more disliked Harris in?
Could be, the press will have 10 months (assuming Biden goes by January) to push wokeness about a black woman and how the conservatives are racists for saying anything bad about her.
In case you haven't noticed that I don't trust the powers that be
Absolutely abysmal. The only people who saw this train wreck coming are those of us with any critical thinking skills and a somewhat functioning brain. I'm wondering if HHusky disappeared because he doesn't know how to even defend this pile of shit administration anymore. Anyone who is still proud of their vote for Biden is a communist, moron, or both.
One of my shit lib lefty friends posted a meme they other day about how they saw all this coming.
Um, no. No you did not.
Where are Yellow and the other "moderates" who voted for Biden?
I think a lot of people bought into the idea that Biden would return things to "normal" - whatever that is anymore - but in doing so had to wilfully ignore the flashing warnings that we aren't "returning" to anything we previously thought was normal.
How and why anyone bought into the "Build Back Better" sloganeering without realizing it was 98% woke social justice driven nonsense is beyond me.
Our world now operates on the completely arbitrary and largely meaningless ESG and DEI metrics. How long we will remain in our slumbers and delusions is anyones guess at this point.
Dump Biden soon and try to get more disliked Harris in?
Could be, the press will have 10 months (assuming Biden goes by January) to push wokeness about a black woman and how the conservatives are racists for saying anything bad about her.
In case you haven't noticed that I don't trust the powers that be
How and why anyone bought into the "Build Back Better" sloganeering without realizing it was 98% woke social justice driven nonsense is beyond me.
Our world now operates on the completely arbitrary and largely meaningless ESG and DEI metrics. How long we will remain in our slumbers and delusions is anyones guess at this point.