You have to question a person that is opposed to legislation designed to find tax evaders.
Enlighten us about how $600 transactions are red flags to 'tax evasion'. Since real tax fraud would involve quite a bit more money, and would most likely involve more complicated matters like trusts, carried interest, etc. You sound brilliant!
You would have to ask the IRS or tax cheats on that one. Maybe start by asking former President Trump.
What happened to that 500 grand that Joe didn't pay?
You have to question a person that is opposed to legislation designed to find tax evaders.
Enlighten us about how $600 transactions are red flags to 'tax evasion'. Since real tax fraud would involve quite a bit more money, and would most likely involve more complicated matters like trusts, carried interest, etc. You sound brilliant!
You would have to ask the IRS or tax cheats on that one. Maybe start by asking former President Trump.
Please to poont out the tax evasion charges? I'll wait....
You have to question a person that is opposed to legislation designed to find tax evaders.
You'd let the government anally probe you every day if they told you it was for health reasons. Thank god you're a hobbit with no redeeming qualities and procreation is most likely not happening
You have to question a person that is opposed to legislation designed to find tax evaders.
Enlighten us about how $600 transactions are red flags to 'tax evasion'. Since real tax fraud would involve quite a bit more money, and would most likely involve more complicated matters like trusts, carried interest, etc. You sound brilliant!
You would have to ask the IRS or tax cheats on that one. Maybe start by asking former President Trump.
Put something - anything - in that vagina of yours.
You have to question a person that is opposed to legislation designed to find tax evaders.
For the record, I don't have a problem with a struggling, poor single-parent, barely getting by not reporting every cash tip or trinket sale from the flea market.
If that makes them a degenerate tax-cheat, meet me at the 7-11 on Aurora and say it to my face.
I had hoped that those of us° who naively trusted in self-limitation of government security powers learned better after the Patriot Act. I’d say this financial surveillance wipes its ass with the 4A, but I’m not sure there’s enough of that left to keep a finger from going up your ass.
That's all, but that's key.
Your present state is unbearable.
If that makes them a degenerate tax-cheat, meet me at the 7-11 on Aurora and say it to my face.