We know the rats on here believe Yellen when she says the tax on billionaires is not a tax. Stretch for once told the truth and called it a tax, but the dishonest rats in this admin quickly tried to lie to cover her truth, hence we got that idiot biden and yellen lying about a tax not being a tax.
What they are trying to do is criminal. They polled horribly on forcing Americans to report any deposit over $600 so they took that out. Think of the gall it takes to try to use government to take away the rights of the individual and enslave it to the IRS. To force the individual to report simple financial transactions to big brother. There is so much wrong with this spending proposal and the taxes that are somehow in a rats mind not taxes. The increase in the cost of goods this is going to bring about will be astounding and felt from top to bottom. In addition when you spend hundreds of billions on unnecessary climate change bullshit, those changes are not going to make lives easier or cheaper. This we know.
This new tax, no tax bullshit on billionaire's and their unrealized gains should never be allowed. For those that don't know, this new idea is to audit the personal and professional belongings of every billionaire and tax the asset growth even though those assets, again, personal (like a painting or Nike shoe collection, etc) and professional, have not been sold and realized any touchable, spendable capital gain. They are going to tax them before they even know what the taxes would be. How messed up is that. How long do you think until they do that to all of us?
Imagine that in year one they come into your home, value your personal property and claim that your assets are going to increase in year 2 by 10% and then they tax you at that amount. You have to pay it. If you don't have the cash you have to sell off the assets to pay the 10% of unrealized capital gains. Now year 2 comes, you have paid the government the cash they have demanded and the economy tanks. Your assets are worth less and the environment for the selling of those assets is not conducive to turning them into cash. The government got their money and you just got fucked. How in any sane persons mind does this make sense?
This government is going to spend 80 billion on more IRS auditors. They aren't spending 80 billion dollars just so they can audit 700 billionaires. They are going to set up the ground work to raise taxes and enforce them on everyone. Why else would we need to flush 80 billion down the IRS drain?
This shit is actually very alarming and everyone should be up in arms over it but the rat media is not revealing these facts. They are running roughshod over the truth.
The left is emboldened right now and they have no problems speaking out loud about their communist/socialist ideals and ideas for you and me. They fully believe that they have every right to determine who are going to be penalized to finance their utopia.